Rep. Chris Miller’s Week in Review House Holds Session Wednesday The House of Representatives reconvened Wednesday to take up several pieces of legislation leftover from Spring Session. One such piece…
SPRINGFIELD… State Representative Chris Miller (R-Oakland) issued this statement following the passage of Governor Pritzker’s amendatory veto of SB2800: “Democrats continue to play games with the people of Illinois. A…
Illinois Moves into Phase 5 After a year of lockdowns and heavy restrictions, Illinois will now move into Phase 5 of the state’s reopening plan. This is the final phase…
Springfield…State Representative Chris Miller offered the following statement regarding Governor Pritzker’s signing of redistricting legislation: “Governor Pritzker broke his promise plain and simple. With his signing of the redistricting legislation,…
Spring Session Comes to a Close The Illinois House of Representatives came to early Tuesday morning. It was another spring of bad policy and poor leadership from the House Democrats….
Springfield… State Representative Chris Miller offered this statement on the Democrat’s state budget passed today on a party-line vote: “The budget rammed through tonight is a monstrosity of burrowed funds,…
Springfield, IL… On Saturday, the Illinois House of Representatives approved House Resolution 226 calling upon the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to reopen their public-access public employment offices to…
Update on Legislative Maps This past week, we saw a lot of activity surrounding the drawing of the new legislative districts. Democrats dropped the first map late afternoon on Friday…
Ongoing Failures at IDES On Thursday, my colleagues’ Reps. Ugaste, McLaughlin, Elik, and Sosnowski held a press conference to highlight the continued failure of the Pritzker Administration to fix the…
Update from the Farm Corn is planted and off to a good start, stands to look great. Hit a stretch of rainy weather. Bean planting is delayed but we hope…