In this issue – It’s All About Our Children
My Exciting Visit to Villa Grove CUSD 302

My Visit to Hoopeston CUSD #11 Was Excellent

I had the pleasure visiting Hoopeston Area School District #11. I met several great people including the Superintendent Mr. Robert Richardson. The school’s dedication to go the extra mile for students serves as an academic example for the 101st District. Mr. Richardson is leading this school and students to success with his ambition to adopt programs and educational resources that benefit our future generation. I know Mr. Richardson very well, and I can tell you his approach to helping students and staff is second to none. Not only was Mr. Richardson an outstanding football player, but he also worked for me on the family farm. His work ethic proves his ability to make a difference throughout the Hoopeston school. I’m excited to see what the future has in store for these students and to watch education grow in this school.

Recipe For Disaster
So, how are your ‘kill school choice’ policies working for you, Democrats? The numbers speak for themselves. While Governor Pritzker and his tyrannical goose-steppers aggressively try to shut down educational opportunities for low-income students (but not for their OWN kids), families will have no choice but to move to states where their civic leaders actually care about children.
The miserably failing public education system is just another example of the ill-conceived, hypocritical edicts being churned out of the Illinois Democrat Supermajority. They want to tell the rest of us what to do but arrogantly refuse to follow their own laws.
A comprehensive list of their atrocities is too long for this post.
If Illinois parents don’t start pushing back, they will have 2 choices:
- Move to another state
- Send their children to pathetic schools that will prepare them for NOTHING valuable

Pritzker vs Catholic Schools
From the Wall Street Journal:
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Democrats in the Legislature killed the Invest in Kids scholarship program last year, blocking money for more than 9,000 low-income students to escape failing public schools. Now comes the second wave of destruction as the schools that welcomed the scholarship students are beginning to close.
How sad is it when a teenager has to try and raise money to save her Catholic school? She is to be commended for her effort, but it shouldn’t have to come to this.

Despite being utter failures at their jobs, the Illinois State Board Of Education (ISBE) has the nerve to ask for more money. ISBE’s Superintendent (Tony Sanders-L) and Chair (Stephen Isoye-R) are asking the Illinois General Assembly to give them an additional $650 million for their budget.
Children, teachers and taxpayers are WAY down on their priority list (if they are on it at all).

It’s All About Power And Greed
In this article, Christopher Rufo takes a deep dive into the dark and disturbing transgender movement. The most unforgiveable part of it all is that children are being used and mutilated under the dishonest guise of “gender-affirming care”. Right at the center of this sickening, sudden and pervasive trend is none other than the well-funded Pritzker family
Ohio stood up to the insanity (after their weak Republican governor caved)- WE CAN TOO!
Reps. Miller and Colleagues Visit the U. Of I. Research Park

Reps Miller, Halbrook, and Schweizer were among local legislators visiting the U. of I. Research Park this week for the Chancellor’s Legislative Luncheon, tours, and discussions about recent successes at the Research Park and future planning.

Recently, an illegal immigrant crossed over our open border in Arizona and made disturbing comments towards an independent American journalist. Apparently, the journalist simply asked where the migrant was from and received the response “You find out who I am very soon”. I’m pretty certain any American that heard those words from an unknown illegal immigrant, would immediately raise a Red Flag. Of course, Biden and Pritzker would call this a “isolated” incident and ensure us that every migrant is being thoroughly vetted. I’m not convinced. Our great nation, and every state, is at-risk every day as thousands of migrants continue to pour into our country.
See the video

Sign this petition in support of legislation to repeal the Trust Act.

More Bad Ideas From Illinois Democrats
Chicago Alderwoman Maria Hadden wants to ban natural gas in all new buildings in Chicago in an effort to fight climate change.
Spending more and more of YOUR money on losing ideas is the Left’s specialty. And obviously they know NOTHING about how energy works. Living in a northern climate requires the use of dependable energy sources like fossil fuels, nuclear energy, coal and natural gas. Electric vehicle chargers, windmills and solar panels FREEZE UP just when you need them the most. In addition to being ineffective, they’re outrageously expensive.
Democrats’ stunning ignorance is not only exhausting, it can be downright dangerous.

Wood Chopping Mystery Man
With harsh temperatures and power outages being an unforgiving reality this time of year, this upstate New York man is quietly (and anonymously) chopping wood and bringing it to his neighbors so they can stay warm. Many of them are disadvantaged and elderly.
It’s a heartwarming story we can all be inspired by.
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me. The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.