
Monday, November 15, 2021
Rep. Chris Miller’s Weekly Newsletter – 11/15/21

If Illinois Is Getting All This Federal Dough, Cut Us Some Slack On Taxes And Fees! Illinois is expected to receive $17 billion from the federal government as part of…

Friday, October 29, 2021
Rep. Miller’s Weekly Newsletter – 10/29/21

Rep. Miller’s Weekly Newsletter – 10/29/21 Illinois Democrats Reject Decency  October 28, 2021 – The Illinois House, in the dark of night, has passed an amendment that eliminates the protections granted…

Friday, August 20, 2021
Maps Confirmed Unconstitutional; Fight over Masks in Schools

Rep. Chris Miller’s Week in Review Census Confirms Maps Unconstitutional Thanks to the recently released U.S. Census data, we know the Democrats’ proposed House districts are unconstitutional. The maps, drawn…

Friday, August 13, 2021
Map Lawsuits; Scott’s Law; Violence Against Police; Mask Mandate Fight

Map Lawsuits Coming In May of this year, the Democrat majority in the Illinois General Assembly passed a series of extremely politicized maps purely intending to control all future elections….

Friday, June 11, 2021
Phase 5; Map Lawsuit; Session to Reconvene; State Fairs

Illinois Moves into Phase 5 After a year of lockdowns and heavy restrictions, Illinois will now move into Phase 5 of the state’s reopening plan. This is the final phase…

Friday, June 4, 2021
Miller: Governor Betrays Voters, Signs Maps

Springfield…State Representative Chris Miller offered the following statement regarding Governor Pritzker’s signing of redistricting legislation: “Governor Pritzker broke his promise plain and simple. With his signing of the redistricting legislation,…