If Illinois Is Getting All This Federal Dough,
Cut Us Some Slack On Taxes And Fees!
Illinois is expected to receive $17 billion from the federal government as part of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill that just passed. The bill includes ONLY $110 billion in funding for roads and bridges. Furthermore, the White House said the funding will go in part toward rebuilding the country’s “most economically significant” bridges, plus thousands of smaller bridges.
This article breaks down the bill.
Illinois raised 20 taxes and fees to fund $45 billion infrastructure package in 2019! (Details Here)
So why aren’t you sharing the wealth, Gov?

While Illinoisans Brace for Rough Winter
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), energy costs across the board are going to go up this winter no matter how you heat your home.
EIA is reporting the following increases over last year at this time: Propane 54%, Heating Oil 43%, Natural Gas 30% and Electricity 6%.
Meanwhile, Governor Pritzker is running around Europe bragging about his clean energy agenda. Never mind that your energy prices are about to skyrocket because of Democrats’ misguided energy policies and oil pipeline shut downs. They would rather beg foreign nations to increase their oil production than rely on the United States’ own resources.
The energy crises in Europe, the UK and China preview the future of Democrat-led energy policies. Europe’s over-reliance on renewable energy sources and its disregard for fossil fuels have led to record-high utility prices with no end in sight.
Enjoy your beer while Rome burns, Mr. Governor.

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
Gov. Pritzker and his cohorts were in Glasgow this week promoting Illinois as a shining example of green manufacturing power, but you can’t help but wonder what Illinois’ other manufacturing companies think of the subsidies while they continue to suffer under the state’s punishing taxes, over-regulation and corrupt governance.
Manufacturing has long been intertwined with Illinois’ economic might, but in order to recover, lawmakers need to create a business environment so robust that companies can’t afford not to be in Illinois. Unfortunately, the self-serving strategy they continue to deploy is bigger bribes and choosing winners and losers so that businesses don’t go elsewhere.
Corrupt incompetence at its finest.
ISBE Wants To Spend Your Money On Their Social Agenda
Funding proposals, to the tune of $350 million, from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for implicit bias and antiracism training in schools are coming into focus, and some see it as an unnecessary controversy that distracts from education in Illinois’ 850 districts.
There are suggestions for “interventions to have more explicit focus on racial dynamic, including equity direct approaches that offer concrete strategies for teachers’ behavioral changes in the classroom and increased bias awareness.”
The proposal also suggests “recogniz[ing] that students of color do not inherently need additional supports by nature of their race/ethnicity, but that these students do face inequities because of historical and existing structures, and there is a cost attendant with working to dismantle those inequities through training on antiracism and eliminating implicit bias within schools and districts.”
Stay tuned: The proposals from the review panel could be taken up at ISBE’s next meeting in Springfield on Dec. 6.
Thank you Veterans!

Sullivan American Legion Post 68
Veterans Appreciation Dinner, Moultrie Co

Great American Veteran
Lt. Col Oliver North
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Oftentimes, some of the best legislation comes from people who see where the law is unworkable or simply unfair.
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