
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Harassment Allegations Plagued House Democrats

The web of alleged deceit, lies, and corruption tied to Illinois House Democrats has been well-chronicled in the last several years, with the latest example being the conviction of former…

Monday, October 2, 2023
Newsletter from Rep. Miller

Pritzker is at War with Illinois Farm Families! “This deal is insulting. No Illinois farmer pays taxes to the state to have Gov. Pritzker turn around and hand out our…

Friday, September 29, 2023
National VFW Day

On this day in 1899, a group of 13 Spanish-America war veterans joined together to form what would become the nation’s largest and most dedicated group of combat veterans. Today…

Thursday, September 28, 2023
National Sons Day!

Very grateful for these three gentlemen right here, Max, Isaac, and Judah, on #NationalSonsDay!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Working to Protect Children, and Hold DCFS Accountable

We cannot allow DCFS to continue to fail Illinois families. The agency needs a complete overhaul, strong leadership, and a clear direction forward to ensure children in our state’s care…

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Reducing Illinois’ Job-Killing Regulations

Illinois is one of the most-regulated states in the country, and research shows overabundant regulations are driving poverty in the state. We want to provide every opportunity for our residents…

Monday, September 25, 2023
State’s Attorneys Voicing Serious Concerns Over Dems’ No Cash Bail

State’s attorneys are voicing serious concerns with the implementation of the SAFE-T Act and the end of cash bail in Illinois.

Friday, September 22, 2023
Rep. Miller: Tax Incentives Should Not Go to Our Adversaries

“State Rep. Chris Miller, R-Oakland, said Illinois tax incentives should not go to people who “spy on our country, steal our technology, and intend to drive American companies out of…

Thursday, September 21, 2023
Democrat-Championed End of Cash Bail Putting Communities in Danger

“Tragically, under the SAFE-T Act, a judge is without power to detain defendants in these types of cases even if he believes the community is endangered.”

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Illinois’ Pension Troubles

Governor Pritzker continues to tout his talking points of ‘fiscally responsible leadership’ and ‘balanced budgets,’ but the truth is $211 billion in unfunded pensions is a damning indictment of the…