A former DCFS worker and 14 other individuals have been charged for their alleged involvement in a scheme to fraudulently acquire $3.2 million in state funds designated for childcare services.
Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Assault Weapons Ban Recently, by a 4-3 vote, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld a Democrat ban on large-capacity firearms in spite of the fact that many…
“How’s it possible that nobody noticed earlier that the state was running $600 million short on reimbursement for services rendered up to 2 1/2 years ago?”
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity of touring Charleston Middle School with Superintendent Todd Vilardo. I learned about their leadership program, discussed how I could support the school in…
I had the incredible honor of attending this young man’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor this past weekend! Congratulations on a very well-deserved promotion to Eagle Scout, Scouting’s highest rank!
National Airborne Day is observed on August 16th each year to commemorate the first official American parachute jump, made in 1940 by the U.S. Army’s Parachute Test Platoon. Today we…
“Another foreign national who entered the U.S. illegally and was released into the country by the Biden administration had an extensive criminal record and was wanted in Venezuela for financing…
Illinois Supreme Court Decision on Gun Ban forces Citizens into Costly Lawsuits Just to Protect Constitutional Rights Charleston, IL…Today the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the gun ban law that prevents…
Charleston, IL… State Rep. Chris Miller (R-Charleston) recently issued the following statement regarding the Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold the Democrats’ gun grab: “I am very disappointed to see…
The Democrats’ assault on your God-given rights continues, with the Illinois Supreme Court ruling to uphold the gun grab. Several challenges to the law remain in federal court.