Tomorrow is a great opportunity to join constituent service Representatives during Rep. Miller’s Mobile Office Hours! Legislative updates will be provided and what to expect during Fall veto session. Who: Constituent…
JB Pritzker is failing legal residents and businesses across Illinois with his progressive policies. The economy is falling apart, taxes are through the roof, and education is being replaced with…
Springfield, IL…State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) is the Chief Sponsor of Senate Bill 3405 which was recently signed into law. This legislation will help individuals attend problem solving courts and…
Today is a great opportunity to join State Representative Chris Miller during his Mobile Office Hours! Rep. Miller will be traveling the 101st District today and talking with his constituents…
State Representative Chris Miller attended Ag Day this year during the Illinois State Fair.
I Support Small Businesses in Illinois I will always support small business owners in Illinois. The private sector is the bread & butter to grow our economy and they need…
There is a lot of talk from Democrats about a strong economy, but Illinois is losing jobs. If we reduce taxes and other burdens on both job creators and residents,…
The radical Democrats are completely unhinged!! The pro-criminal party will do anything to protect criminals, including prisoners who have committed murder! Under this proposed law, more criminals would be released…
JB Pritzker (Mr. Population Denier) dropped a new video recently lying to Illinois residents. He claims Democrats have turned the state around, but the facts don’t lie, only he does….
Illinois 4-H members help kick off the Illinois State Fair July 31, 2024 Illinois 4-H members and leaders have been chosen to serve as the grand marshals for the annual…