Recent IRS Report Shows Illinois Taxpayers Fleeing with Billions

The most important numbers about Illinois’ population loss may be from the Internal Revenue Service. That’s because the IRS knows exactly how many taxpayers are filing returns and how much income they have, by state.

The new numbers released by the IRS this past month are more bad news for Illinois. Illinois continues to bleed taxpayers, taking billions of dollars of income with them. Our tax base is fleeing, yet Pritzker continues to be a population denier.

In all, Illinois netted a loss of 87,000 residents, with 175,000 people moving into Illinois from other states and 262,000 moving out. That loss was the third-largest in the country, with only California and New York netting bigger losses of residents. Read the rest of the story by Mark Glennon on the Daily Journal.

Rep. Miller Talks About Pritzker’s Spending Spree

Springfield, IL…State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) is very concerned about Pritzker’s budget proposal. The largest budget proposal in Illinois history is loaded with tax increases. The quality of life for Illinois residents continues to get worse under the tyranny of taxation through Democrat policies.

Read more here.