Rep. Chris Miller (R-Oakland) welcomed several education leaders to the Illinois State Capitol this week. Past president of the Oakland School Board, Andrew Dowden, current president Clint McQueen, and Oakland Community Unit District #5 Superintendent Lance Landeck stopped by the Springfield Legislative office to discuss the issues concerning school policies, unfunded mandates put on schools by the state, and financial challenges like the new $15/hour minimum wage mandate.
“I appreciate the work of educators for our children and grandchildren,” said Rep. Chris Miller, a member of the Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum and Policies Committee. “It was great to see these education leaders here advocating for their districts. I encourage everyone to visit our capitol to learn more about the process of our state government and engage in the legislative process. There are opportunities to testify for or against legislation and young people can serve as Honorary Page-for-a-Day.”
Also this week, regional superintendent Kyle Thompson, stopped by the Capitol. Mr. Thompson oversees seven counties in Region 11 including Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie and Shelby counties. He too is concerned about adequate funding and state mandates put on our teachers and schools.