Rep. Miller Calls Out Democrats During Lame Duck
By day four of lame duck session, with the Democrats having done nothing to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Illinois, I took to the House floor to express my disgust with the entire waste of taxpayer time and money.
They could have debated solutions to address high property taxes, high energy rates, failing public schools, and illegal immigration, but they chose to pass unnecessary, unconstitutional, and terrible legislation.
As we start a new General Assembly, I thought this brief overview of how the legislature works was good information to share.
Legislature in Illinois and how policy affects people

The actions of the Illinois state legislature affect many facets of your life from the taxes you pay, the highways you drive, the schools that educate your children to the programs that help the poor, seniors, veterans and the disabled. The list is endless.
While the legislative process is clearly spelled out in the Illinois Constitution, the human component of legislating is always in flux, and always in play. State legislators come from all walks of life and bring with them their own priorities, agendas, alliances, personalities and biases. This group of independent-minded individuals may or may not vote for a particular measure on any given day. Moreover, like in any setting, group dynamics often take over. A bill that garners enough votes to pass on one day, may fail to pass on another day solely based on the mood of the room at that moment.
Legislative members, State Senators and State Representatives are elected to represent their constituencies. They fulfill this obligation through the legislation they introduce and with their votes. While legislative members appear equal on the surface, each being able to cast only one vote when a piece of legislation is up in a chamber or when voting for their leaders, some members are more equal than others. Those in the majority in each caucus have exponentially more power and that power increases if there is a supermajority.
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Radical Democrats Keep Madigan House Rules Alive

The Rules for the 104th General Assembly were drafted by the Democrat supermajority with no input from the Republican minority. These Rules will govern the House of Representatives for the next two years. House Republicans did propose reasonable changes that would increase accountability and transparency, however the proposal was rejected by the supermajority.
Unfortunately, Speaker Welch went back on his promise to turn the page to a “New Day”, and the House Rules that Madigan put in place are the same Rules that the Illinois House is operating under today. It’s a classic case of, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

Illinois Is Being Left Behind
The 104th General Assembly has their work cut out for them. Seated on Wednesday, they will need to tackle some very serious problems plaguing Illinois- mainly the flailing economy and out-of-control taxes. Otherwise, residents and businesses will continue to flee the state. The competition is literally right across our borders.

What Are Illinois Democrats Really Good At?
Wasting YOUR money.
The 103rd General Assembly’s lame duck session last week only accomplished one thing- to ramrod more bad bills down Illinoisans’ throats. Four days, one snow blizzard and tens of thousands of dollars later, the Democrat Supermajority got their way. AGAIN.

SCOTUS Weighing an Illinois Challenge
On January 2nd, the Supreme Court of the United States ordered Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul to respond to a petition filed that seeks to strike down a state election law believed to be illegal. Illinois Democrats have already acknowledged that striking down the law would make it more difficult for their party to win elections.
Also making Illinois ripe for Democrat fraud, the General Assembly passed a bill on January 7 (HB5164) that will make it easier to change a name in the state.

Bored This Time of Year?
Let’s change that, Illinois!
Discover the best places to chill (in a good way), find a winter event or a cozy getaway.
This website has it all:
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

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Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.