Yesterday, we were honored to present a certificate of recognition to a brave Mattoon police officer. Anthony Roley saved four children, a mother, service dog, and a cage of hamsters from a burning home. He had very little time to take action, but his instincts kicked in to save lives. Thank you office Roley for keeping our community safe!!

The Mattoon Police Department has incredible officers that take public safety seriously, and Anthony Roley is one officer who reflects the values of the whole department. Earlier this year, I held a public safety roundtable event with local police departments, including Mattoon police Chiefs. I can tell you that their mission is improve safety in the community and keep individuals safe from harm. These officers face daily challenges, but their unwavering commitment to protect residents is why we should always support our local law enforcement.
The brave men and women of law enforcement are under attack by politicians who choose “Soft-On-Crime” policies over Public Safety. Please Sign my Petition to let Springfield know that you stand with our heroic police officers over criminals.