Governor JB Pritzker has vowed to protect “his people” in Illinois from Trump policies. It’s clear as day that his people are not Illinois residents, but illegal immigrants. Under JB Pritzker, we have seen thousands of illegal immigrants living a free ride on taxpayer dollars. Working families have watched the cost of food, electricity, fuel, taxes, and fees inflate to record levels.
JB Pritzker thinks he has so much power, that he can take on the federal government and Tom Homan. The people have spoken and they are fed up with radical policies and woke agendas. Yet JB Pritzker ignores their voices and proceeds to double down on his agenda that is sinking the state of Illinois into the ground.

“In lockstep with the White House, Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois Democrats have propped up and expanded our sanctuary state policies to make Illinois the new Holiday Inn Express for illegal immigrants.”
Illegal Immigration
Governor Pritzker created the illegal immigration crisis in Illinois. When our governor is forced to answer questions and concerns, he perpetually lies! Sign the Petition to REPEAL THE TRUST ACT!