Protecting the Mahomet Aquifer; a critical source of Illinois drinking water

The Mahomet Aquifer is a vital source of drinking water for more than half the population in east-central Illinois. Which is why in 2015, the US Environmental Protection agency designated a portion of the Mahomet Aquifer as a “Sole Source Aquifer.” That designation provides additional protections for the nearly one million Illinoisans who rely on it for their primary source of drinking water.
Contrary to popular belief, aquifers are not large underground lakes. An aquifer is a body of rock or sediment that is completely saturated – water is in it and all around it. It can be made of sand, gravel, sandstone, or other rocks that can store or transmit water. What goes in an aquifer stays in an aquifer.
The water within an aquifer often begins as rain or snow melt that seeps into the ground. The amount of water that makes its way to the aquifer varies widely from place to place depending on the type of surface and underlying soils. Once underground, water will continue to be pulled downward until it reaches an impermeable layer of rock. The movement of water through rock acts as a natural filtering process, purifying the water and removing sediment. Sooner or later water will eventually leave the aquifer and need to be replenished through a process called “recharge.”
Although some of the water sampled from the Mahomet Aquifer routinely date between 1,000 and 12,000 years ago, the Aquifer itself was created over one million years ago when the sand and gravel it’s made up of was deposited in a river valley. The river was later overtaken by floods and permanently altered, and the valley was covered by sediment from glaciers more than 130,000 years ago.
Today, Mahomet Aquifer supplies water to residents in 15 Illinois counties (Cass, Mason, Menard, Sangamon, Logan, Tazewell, Woodford, McLean, De Witt, Macon, Piatt, Champaign, Ford, Iroquois, and Vermilion). The Mahomet Aquifer is one of 68 Primary Aquifers in the United States that provides 45 percent of the Nation’s drinking water.
Although the water is purified through its passing of the sand and gravel, it can still harbor contamination from waste disposed at the surface of the Aquifer. Nearby landfills or areas where chemical waste is contained or disposed can contaminate the groundwater stored in the Aquifer. Additionally, recent passage of legislation allowing carbon sequestration raised concerns by residents that the safety of their drinking water may be threatened.
Earlier this year, State Representative Chris Miller strongly opposed SB1289, legislation that allows for carbon sequestration activity that could adversely affect the Mahomet Aquifer.
SB 1289 inflicts a system to install underground carbon capture wells on sites that infringe on landowners who oppose the operation. Many landowners are very concerned over high-pressure CO2 being stored underground, clean water being contaminated, and the risk of environmental disasters. Republicans say these future projects will come with a very high cost to taxpayers and businesses compared to neighboring states.
Rep. Miller issued this statement: “The Mahomet Aquifer does not have adequate protections against carbon capture wells. If a disaster were to occur, over 800,000 residents in Central Illinois who rely on clean drinking water would be negatively impacted. Despite requests for improvements, the Democrats passed this legislation that increases environmental risks to humans and agriculture. The confiscation of property is what Chinese Communists countries do.”
ADM in Illinois Finds Another Leak from CO2 Sequestering Well

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) in Decatur suspends CO2 injections following a second leak in a well. Earlier this year, Democrats passed SB1289 that allows Illinois to create permitting regulations for carbon capture, transport, and sequestration. Opponents of carbon capture pipelines argue that leaks pose an enormous risk to lives and the environment. According to the Center Square, ADM was the first place in the country to ever put in a CO2 sequestering well, starting injecting in 2011. Over the course of a few years, ADM has put a million metric tons of CO2 into the injection well. Read what landowners have to say about the leak and eminent domain here.
Miller Votes No on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Legislation
Springfield, IL… State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) votes no to legislation that allows Illinois to create permitting regulations for carbon capture, transport, and sequestration. Rep. Miller says Senate Bill 1289 is nothing more than a push by radical Democrats to please their climate donors.
“We don’t have a climate crisis in Illinois, but what we do have is a crisis of common sense,” said Miller. “This legislation will not prevent a crisis but will create one by making energy completely unreliable and unaffordable for American industries and American consumers. If we eliminate all CO2 from our atmosphere green plants won’t grow. This bill was crafted to please Biden and progressive environmental donors.”
Republicans say these future projects will come with a very high cost to taxpayers and businesses compared to neighboring states.
You Get What You Vote For, Illinois

WalletHub reports that Illinois ranks within the top 20 most politically involved states, with 49.93% voter engagement, yet residents and businesses are fleeing the state in record numbers. So who ISN’T voting?
We have a dismal economy, a failing public school system, and skyrocketing crime. These things can only be attributed to the Supermajority Democrat Party that has a stranglehold on Illinois.
Unless the people of Illinois start to fight back and stand up to the bullying and corruption that stem from Chicago and infect the entire state, nothing will ever change.

Ruling On Illinois Gun Ban Expected Soon
A ruling on whether Illinois’ gun and magazine ban is unconstitutional is expected to come sometime after Monday, October 21.
Whether or not the ban is ruled unconstitutional by Southern District of Illinois federal Judge Stephen McGlynn, the case may well end up being decided by the U.S. Supreme Court
The Truth Behind The Failure?

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) spent its temporary federal COVID relief money on its reckless and irresponsible plan for salaries and benefits, and that money has finally evaporated.
Now they have to pay the piper, and their situation has turned into political mayhem.

The University of Illinois has regained its common sense and is no longer recognizing ‘Students for Justice In Palestine’ (SJP) as a registered student organization.
Among other violations, it was determined that SJP repeatedly promoted, hosted, sponsored and engaged in unauthorized events ranging from erecting tents in opposition to university staff and law enforcement to physically blocking them by linking arms and using wooden boards.
Who do they think they’re kidding?
SJP is not an organic group of concerned ‘students’. They are pawns (probably paid $$) for global political LEFTISTS trying to take down this country in any pathetic way they can.

The Illinois TRUST Act, enacted in 2017, made Illinois a “sanctuary state” for undocumented immigrants. The TRUST Act prohibits local law enforcement in Illinois from participating in immigration enforcement.
Sign The Petition to let Democrats know you want to END sanctuary state status in Illinois!

It’s Cinnamon Season!
From putting a dash into your morning coffee to making yummy fall stews, cinnamon is not only a delicious spice, it’s good for you too!
Here are 22 warm and comforting recipes you might like to try:
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As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.