Protecting Illinois from Progressive Policies that Hurt Families

Weekly Newsletter

What an honor to be in Statuary Hall and celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Contract with America with the architect of the contract, Newt Gingrich.  The laws enacted from the Contract were bipartisan marking significant reforms in America.

We need another Contract with America.

  • Secure our Border
  • Secure American Jobs
  • Protect our Families and Our Children

What Are the Answers?

Home and business owners need more cost effective and reliable energy sources to fuel their needs. But what are the most affordable and clean solutions? The ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy includes fossil fuels, renewable energy and nuclear power:

What Illinoisans specifically need to start paying attention to is the ‘looming energy crisis’ that the Chicago Tribune is just pretending to wake up to in their recent editorial. As promised, in my last newsletter, here are more details following up on their ridiculous alarmist claims.

Facts and the exposure of the truth have been out in the open for years.


Secure The Illinois Border Now!


We must repeal the TRUST Act to end Illinois’ sanctuary state status and stop the flow of undocumented immigrants into Illinois. Sign The Petition now and let Pritzker know you have had enough!

The Gotion Controversy Is Getting National Attention

We have been reporting on this dangerous business proposition, heading to Illinois and  Michigan, propelled by Democrats, for a LONG time.

But it is now finally getting some serious attention from the national press.

Read this opinion piece by esteemed author and commentator, Gordon Chang:

Rep. Miller Sends Letter to Speaker Chris Welch to Relay Concerns from Law Enforcement

Springfield, IL…State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) recently hosted a Public Safety Roundtable event with local law enforcement from the 101st District. The goal was to have open conversations about how to improve public safety with sound solutions. After the meeting, Rep. Miller sent a letter to Speaker Chris Welch to inform him about the concerns from police chiefs in his district related to the SAFE-T Act, mental health issues, and body cam grants.

In the letter attached, Rep. Miller addresses the challenges police officers face and potential solutions to improve public safety.

For more information, please contact Rep. Miller’s office at (217) 508-4108, or his website,

Representative Chris Miller serves the constituents of Illinois’ 101st House District that includes parts of Coles County, including portions of Champaign, Douglas, and Vermilion Counties along the I-57 corridor.

Read the letter below:


Just Deny It And ‘POOF’ It Doesn’t Exist

This is a juvenile strategy (sometimes referred to as ‘lying’) that might work for a hot minute, but will not stand the test of time. And it will most likely come back to bite you.

Illinois Democrat Supermajority Example #1: ‘Inflation in Illinois is improving’

Governor Pritzker Example #2: ‘Employment in Illinois is improving’

Image Credit: Antonio Perez/Chicago Tribune/TNS

State Agency Fails to Track $6 Million in Unemployment Claims

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) has failed to maintain accurate and complete data on more than 2,800 people who claimed over $6 million in unemployment benefits. According to a report from Auditor General Frank Mautino’s office, IDES paid out more than $5 billion in fraudulent or excessive unemployment claims over a period that covered fiscal years 2020 through 2022. The State of Illinois needs to be held accountable for the lack of management of unemployment benefits.

Read the full article here.

Mass Layoffs in August

Illinois companies announced 1,183 mass layoffs in August, with 93% of job losses statewide driven by business closures.

This was largely due to the negative Illinois tax culture that is ranked 37th in the nation for business tax climate, down eight spots from 2018 ranks, according to the Tax Foundation’s 2024 State Business Tax Climate report.

Who Doesn’t Love French Fries?

However, you may want to check out this study to decide which ones are worth waiting for in the drive-thru.

They are a guilty pleasure across the board, but some fast food fries are better for you than others:

Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.

Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.

The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.