Fake Meat, Migrant Crime, and Democrats Dangerous Public Policies

Important Dates for Illinois’ 2024 Election

Here is the breakdown, but you can get more details in this Illinois Policy Institute article:


Sept. 26 – Early voting begins statewide. Vote by mail ballots start being sent out.

Oct. 8 – Regular voter registration ends.

Oct. 9 – Grace period registration opens.

Oct. 20 – Online voter registration ends.

Oct. 21 – First day of early voting in Cook County.

Oct. 31 – Deadline for application to vote by mail to be received by election authority by mail.

Nov. 4 – Early voting ends.

Pritzker’s Grip Tightens on Illinois Employers with New Law

Governor Pritzker signed Senate Bill 0508 into law, which is another mandate for Illinois businesses. This bill is obviously supported by progressive Democrats because it helps aid illegal immigrants to work in Illinois. The legislation would affect employers’ ability to use the E-Verify system when determining if job applicants or current employees have the legal ability to work in the U.S. What we are witnessing is a complete takeover of American jobs by illegal immigrants and Democrats not only allow it, but strongly support it.

According to the Cook County Record, the new law doesn’t explicitly forbid employers from using E-Verify, at best, the new law would make it next to impossible for virtually all Illinois employers to use the system and could effectively ban them from doing so.

What Is Fake Meat Exactly?

Illinois has joined a number of other states to try and outlaw the proteins of cultivated meat.

House bill 5872 was introduced to make the sale, manufacture and distribution of cultivated meat a Class C misdemeanor.

Cultivated meat is produced with animal cells grown in labs with bioreactors. Employees grow sheets of tissue in plastic flasks, called roller bottles, and combine them to create larger pieces of chicken or beef. Opposition to this process is spreading due to safety concerns, high costs, and overall lack of research.


Illegal Alien Crime Is Being Fostered By Democrats

Here we go…

The stories lately are flooding the news, but this should be no surprise to American citizens who have witnessed a massive breach of our southern border under the Biden Administration. Not only has our federal government been negligent and irresponsible, state and local Democrat-run governments have aided and abetted their dangerous agenda.

Illinois’ governor, legislature and cities (large and small) have put all of our state’s citizens in a position that we didn’t ask for.

Expect more of this:

Rising gang-related issues in Illinois:


Hundreds of thousands of illegal alien children sprung loose into America:


Why Wouldn’t They Leave?

Recent data from the IRS ranked Illinois 2nd in the nation for losing households aged 26-35 with incomes exceeding $200,000.


A new University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs report shows that growth in the state has slowed to a crawl. Businesses and people are leaving the state and taking their wealth with them. All the data comes at a time when the state unemployment rate jumped to 5.2% in July, nearly a full point above the national average and tied with California for the second highest rate in the country.


Do They Think We’re Stupid?

Do They Think We’re Stupid?

Illinois’ ruling class Democrats have been relentlessly jamming bad ideas and dangerous public policies down our throats, and STILL they’re arrogantly doubling down.

Do they not know we have ears, eyes and can think for ourselves?

Governor Pritzker wants to spend more taxpayer money on the failing electric vehicle experiment even though consumers aren’t even remotely interested. This Crain’s article explains in detail. Here is an excerpt:

“Electric vehicle sales are decelerating in Illinois, as car buyers slow their roll toward electrification. 

And that’s casting a shadow over Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s ambitions to make Illinois not only a center of EV manufacturing but a place with more than 1 million EVs on the road by the end of the decade.

New EV registrations this year averaged 2,457 per month through August, or about 12% less than during the same period a year ago, according to the Illinois secretary of state.

EVs made up about 5.9% of all new-car registrations in Illinois through the first six months of this year, compared with 6.5% last year, according to S&P Global Mobility. 

There were 111,107 EVs registered in Illinois as of mid-August, according to the Illinois secretary of state. The total number of EVs is still growing, up 21% year-to-date. But it’s increasing more slowly than before.”


In Chicago, nearly 20% of felony arrests are people already on pretrial release for other cases, but Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is calling critics of Illinois’ no cash bail policies ‘racist’:



Democrat Election Law Ruled Unconstitutional

The Illinois Supreme Court recently upheld a lower court ruling that declared a controversial election law passed by Illinois Democrats unconstitutional. Senate Bill 2412 aimed to end the practice of allowing local party organizations to appoint candidates to the ballot for the general election in uncontested legislative races.

Rep. Caulkins and his colleagues respond to the Democrat Elections Omnibus Bill earlier this year.

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