Pritzker’s Grip Tightens on Illinois Employers with New Law

Governor Pritzker signed Senate Bill 0508 into law which is another mandate for Illinois businesses. This bill is obviously supported by progressive Democrats because it helps aid illegal immigrants to work in Illinois. The legislation would affect employers’ ability to use the E-Verify system when determining if job applicants or current employees have the legal ability to work in the U.S. What we are witnessing is a complete takeover of American jobs by illegal immigrants and Democrats not only allow it, but strongly support it.

According to the Cook County Record, the new law doesn’t explicitly forbid employers from using E-Verify, at best, the new law would make it next to impossible for virtually all Illinois employers to use the system and could effectively ban them from doing so.

(VIDEO) Rep. Miller Wants Pritzker To End Illinois’ Illegal Immigration

Governor Pritzker likes to avoid talking about the reality of our illegal immigration crisis. When our governor is forced to answer questions and concerns, he perpetually lies!

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