A federal judge recently ruled a state law unconstitutional because it bans concealed firearms from public transit systems. This is another law crafted by Democrats that stomps on the Constitutional rights of Illinois citizens. According to Capitol News Illinois, the judge’s ruling only applies to four individuals who challenged it in court and the law will remain in effect for everyone else. Equal rights should apply to every citizen, but our state is picking and choosing who can exercise their Second Amendment Rights.
Pritzker said “I’m hopeful that the law that was passed in Illinois a number of years ago, that’s frankly done a lot to keep people safe, will be upheld.” I would argue that law-abiding citizens want personal protection because Chicago crime is out-of-control and Democrats let criminals run amok. Illinois citizens need safety and security from government and local law enforcement. People should not have to feel threatened commuting to work or the grocery store, but they do under Democrat policies. Every American citizen has the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms under the U.S. Constitution.
IGOLD Draws Huge Crowd at Capitol to Support Second Amendment
Owning a firearm is a right guaranteed by our Constitution. The constant attacks on our Second Amendment rights are a blatant assault on the principles underlying our Constitution. If the government can take away one right, then they can take away all of our rights. Read more…