Crime Crisis
JB Pritzker and Brandon Johnson are the duo who have created a crime crisis in Illinois. Between gang activity and illegal immigrants running amuck, communities across Illinois continue to plead for help. Unfortunately, the police departments have been battered by Democrats and the so-called SAFE-T Act. The progressive policies enacted by Governor Pritzker, throws fuel on the fire created by criminals and communities are less safe under his administration. Chicago crime is reaching new levels.
A peaceful society is protected with law and order. Republicans support law enforcement and understand their hands are tied by radical Democrats who believe police officers need less authority for public safety. Crime waves have increased in every city across Illinois, yet Democrats refuse to address the growing issue. Furthermore, they have the audacity to create legislation that would reduce prison time for criminals! A safe and secure society collapses with no law and order, and we are witnessing our great state turning into a socialist disaster under Pritzker. It’s pretty simple on how to turn things around for the better: Normal vs Crazy, which side do you want to be on?
The Reality of Illegal Immigration
Governor Pritzker likes to avoid talking about the reality of our illegal immigration crisis. When our governor is forced to answer questions and concerns, he perpetually lies! What we do know to be true is more crime is occurring, taxpayers are being taken advantage of, and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. This ongoing designed crisis is causing havoc across cities, specifically Chicago. Below you will see what’s really going on in Illinois which is why my Republican colleagues and I are calling for the Illinois TRUST Act to be Repealed Immediately. Read more…