Gov Pritzker and Illinois Democrats Lie About Economic Growth

Gov. Pritzker and Illinois Democrats like to claim their policies have improved our state’s economic fortunes, but the data puts a damper on that spin. The reality is that until we get serious about tackling overregulation and high taxes that are driving jobs and families out of Illinois, we’ll continue to lag behind other states. 

Pritzker claimed that Democrats are champions of jobs, but there are 85,000 fewer Illinoisans employed today than when Pritzker took office five years ago, and the state’s unemployment rate is the second-worst in the country.

Read more from The Center Square article that provides more statistics.

Pritzker is Failing Illinois Residents and Businesses

JB Pritzker is failing legal residents and businesses across Illinois with his progressive policies. The economy is falling apart, taxes are through the roof, and education is being replaced with indoctrination. If you and your family are not on the Pritzker handout train, your quality of life has declined under Democrat control. Hard-working families continue to struggle with record-high inflation and rather than create commonsense policies that would lower taxes, Pritzker raises taxes!