Rep. Miller talks about unemployment and companies leaving IL

Pritzker is Failing Illinois Residents and Businesses

JB Pritzker is failing legal residents and businesses across Illinois with his progressive policies. The economy is falling apart, taxes are through the roof, and education is being replaced with indoctrination. If you and your family are not on the Pritzker handout train, your quality of life has declined under Democrat control. Hard-working families continue to struggle with record-high inflation and rather than create commonsense policies that would lower taxes, Pritzker raises taxes!

No one is better off than they were four years ago, period. Read this article from Illinois Policy that drills down on the failures of JB Pritzker.

Read More:

Revised Filing Sparks New Wave Of Opposition

The Chinese electric vehicle battery maker Gotion, who is planning on opening plants in Illinois and Michigan, is now under additional scrutiny after a recent filing with the United States government revealed that the company receives subsidies from Beijing.

A July 20, 2024 amendment to its Foreign Agents Registration Act filing disclosed that Gotion was “partially subsidized through government funding provided by the People’s Republic of China”.

Their original filing on April 21, 2023 denied any such subsidies.

Read more about the background story and ongoing controversy swirling around Gotion here:

“When It Rains It Pours”

The Morton Salt slogan might as well belong to Illinois Democrats since their never-ending torrent of misery continues to dump on our state and its citizens.

Illinois’ most recent business casualty is longtime icon, Morton Salt. Joining the mass exodus, Morton is relocating its headquarters to Overland, Kansas. Compared to neighboring states, Illinois saw the largest drop in tax climate rankings since 2018 in the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate 2024 rankings.

(See link to Illinois Policy Institute’s article below.)

Joy Morton (founder of Morton Salt) grew up in the Midwest and built his salt empire from the bottom up while living and working in Chicago. The western suburbs have the honor of preserving his beloved Morton Arboretum that he established in 1922 on the 178 acres of land adjacent to his estate in Lisle, Illinois.

These unfortunate losses shouldn’t keep piling up, but until and unless Illinoisans take matters into their own hands and aggressively replace the corrupt people running our state, nothing will change.

Businesses and residents can choose to leave Illinois, but many of us can’t or won’t- for a multitude of reasons.

It’s just so sad that we find ourselves faced with this decision in the first place.

Her Claim: There Is Systemic Test Racism In Chicago Schools

Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) president Stacy Davis Gates (pictured above) essentially said that black students are testing poorly because the system is based on “junk science rooted in white supremacy”.


Data shows that in 2022, 9% of Chicago’s black eighth graders were proficient in reading and 4% were proficient in math (according to Wirepoints and the National Assessment of Educational Progress).

Perhaps if your $$$ MILLIONS $$$ of dollars collected in teachers’ union dues were actually spent on TEACHERSand STUDENTS, (instead of corrupt politicians and six-figure union employee salaries), you would see a drastic improvement in CTU student test scores.

Transportation Help Is On The Way

Senate Bill 3405 was passed into law and will go into effect on January 1, 2025. It will provide transportation for people who need to visit “problem-solving” courts for counseling or classes.

A problem-solving court is a program regulated under the Drug Court Treatment Act, the Juvenile Drug Court Treatment Act, the Mental Health Court Treatment Act or the Veterans and Servicemembers Court Treatment Act.

Substance abuse and PTSD are challenges that face Illinois, and this bill will help to improve these areas of treatment.

Last Blast Of Summer

If you still haven’t made plans for Labor Day weekend, consider celebrating the unofficial end of summer at one of these Illinois festivals!

Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.

Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.

The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.