I Support Small Businesses in Illinois

I will always support small business owners in Illinois. The private sector is the bread & butter to grow our economy and they need to be protected. Unfortunately, Pritzker keeps making it harder on small businesses to succeed in Illinois. High taxes and ridiculous mandates is a burden to anyone looking to do business in Illinois.

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Other News

Illinois Democrats have introduced House Bill 5219 which suggests that all prison terms, regardless of the crime committed, be served at 50% of the original sentence!!
Even in cases of murder, (except where a term of natural life is imposed), the law would apply retroactively, potentially reducing sentences for those already incarcerated.
Just one more disoriented Democrat policy denying law, order and public safety.
In addition to the illegal immigrants’ growing list of benefits, convicted criminals are now going to get special treatment, too. No need for a social security number- Illinois Democrats are going give them access to free ID cards and Medicaid- privileges the rest of us have to earn and pay for.
Pritzker Wants Better Background Screenings for Police
In the wake of the shooting of Sonya Massey by Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson who is now charged with first-degree murder, Gov. Pritzker is calling for stricter background checks of police.
According to reports, “Grayson had been employed by a half-dozen police agencies since 2020.” A simple solution to thorough background checks is to require all government agencies to share personnel files prior to the hiring of any uniformed officer previously employed by a state or local government.
Unfortunately, problems like the hiring of Grayson were anticipated during the debate of the SAFE-T Act where legislators and others predicted both a shortage of officers due to the law and a lowering of standards in hiring.

Kankakee County Sheriff Mike Downey shared recently a 6-year-old girl was sexually assaulted. The suspect was referenced as a step father and arrested.
“As it turns out, during that time we received a detainer from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and that’s how we discovered that he was here illegally,” Downey told The Center Square.
Read the story
Illinois’ Grocery Games

Governor Pritzker is acting like a hero for signing into law the elimination of the ‘grocery tax’. But revisit this May, 2024 Illinois Policy Institute article that explains what it really means:
The hyped-up heroic and generous legislation recently signed by the governor was actually a cowardly move that tosses the responsibility of raising revenue back in the laps of local leaders. Ultimately, citizens may pay MORE depending on what their locality decides to do.
The governor’s hands are clean. That’s all he cares about.

The ‘House’ Is Illinois Democrats
Jobs are down and wages are down in Illinois.
The only things that are UP are taxes, unemployment, living expenses and STRESS.
A recent Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) reports that 1,169 Illinoisans were laid off in July, 2024 alone.
It marked the third straight month that the number of layoffs has increased.
Pritzker Democrats are feeling none of this pain. They are resting comfortably in the nests they have built on the backs of ordinary, honest and hard-working Illinoisans.

This Is What You’re Paying For:
Kiddie yoga, breathing exercises and meditation
Forget reading, writing and math. Your children need to RELAX.
Probably because their lives have been subjected to the chaos and nonsense created by the liberal policies that are dominating our public schools. The poor, eye-twitching students victimized by an outrageous Leftist agenda are confused, stressed, depressed and wandering in circles with no REAL direction.
It’s no wonder they now need relaxation therapy to counteract the insanity of their ‘trusted’ elders.
On top of being ripped off by incompetent and overpaid public ‘leaders’, taxpayers are now expected to foot the bill to remedy the Left’s ridiculous behavior and decisions. Teachers have to suffer with this garbage, too.

The Ultimate Guide for Traditional and Home School Families
If you are one of the many families saying ‘No, thank you’ to Illinois’ public school system, these great back-to-school ideas will help you prepare for the school year ahead!
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Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.