Pritzker Drops New Video Full of Lies- Illinois deserves better!

JB Pritzker (Mr. Population Denier) dropped a new video recently lying to Illinois residents. He claims Democrats have turned the state around, but the facts don’t lie, only he does. He will never be truthful because his donors, special interest groups, and fake news control the narrative. Take a look at the facts below and how Democrat policies have shaped the quality of life for hard-working taxpayers. Illinois residents need to know it doesn’t matter which Democrat “leader” is in control, it’s the same poor policies that drive people out of Illinois.

Consequences of Progressive Policies for Illinois 

  • Fleeing population and tax base
  • Stagnant economy and job market
  • Expensive and broken education system
  • Rampant crime
  • Suffocating taxes
  • Pension crisis ignored
  • Massive spending on illegal immigrants
  • No equity – a failure by their own standards
  • Economic policy centered on statism and doomed focus on renewable energy
  • Free speech under assault and autocracy reigns
  • Disastrous pandemic management yet no accountability

For more details: >Sources can found here<

Of course, this is just a handful of bad public policy Democrats have served taxpayers. Unfortunately, the list continues but we have the power to turn things around for our state by voting on commonsense legislation. Republicans are committed to fighting for improving public safety, lower taxes, ethics reform, growing the economy, creating long-term jobs, and preserving the U.S. Constitution.

Watch Video on Pritzker’s Lies