Honoring the Sacrifice of Lt. Jared Southworth

By commemorating this stretch of road in Oakland, we strive to forever recognize and honor Lt. Jared Southworth’s service to our town and our country.
We want Jared’s family to know that we will not forget his heroism and sacrifice.
Jared lived a life of duty, honor and country. He took on challenges that even in the military few soldiers do. Earning a Ranger Tab is among the toughest tests. Patrolling in Afghanistan in 2009 took the utmost courage.

Jared leaves behind an example for all of us in his striving to be the best in his field and his dedication to the mission. His duty as a soldier is among the highest callings in society. For it is the soldier who fought for our independence, freed the slaves, drove the Nazis from power and destroys those who terrorizes the defenseless.
Jared served with honor. I ask that we honor him in return.
Do not let this sign become part of the landscape that our eyes pass over after having seen it so many times. Rather, like a beautiful view you look forward to seeing, make this sign, commemorating Lt. Southworth’s sacrifice, a landmark you look for and in doing so, you pause and are reminded that freedom is often defended with the lives of our fellow citizens from small towns like Oakland.
We hope that generations in the future will see this sign and ask who Lt Southworth was, know of Jared service, and be inspired by his service on the streets of Oakland and in faraway lands.
Jared will not be forgotten.
IL Rep. Chris Miller on Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens & Gas Tax Increase

Former President Trump has been impeached, arrested, convicted, and shot. He’s still standing and he’s still fighting for America.

WE’RE BROKE, Governor!
J.B. Pritzker has signed legislation that will require state taxpayers to pay off $10 million in medical debt for up to 300,000 Illinoisans. Pritzker also signed into law Senate Bill 2933 that makes medical debt ineligible to be included on a credit report.
None of it makes any sense and won’t help a single person who is drowning in debt.
Piling on to his stupid ideas, Pritzker signed another bill (HB 5395) that includes a package of proposals designed to restrict methods that insurance companies can use to reduce the amount of health care patients receive.
Sounds good, right?
The reality is that the law will not only make Illinois the first state in the country to ban prior authorization for in-patient adult and children’s mental health care, it will cost Illinois taxpayers an extra $30 million a year, raise insurance premiums for working families and deliver more free health care to illegal immigrants.

Democrats Deepen Their Pockets While They Sneakily Weasel In Bills
This is how CRAZY JB Pritzker and his Supermajority Democrat party have become!! They are drunk on power and are brazenly showing their hand because they have no oversight or consequences.
House Bill 4488, recently carried by State Representative Maurice West (D-Chicago), not only allows for political parties to funnel unlimited campaign dollars into candidates’ war chests, West also supported a separate election bill (SB 2412) that changed the rules for slating candidates to fill vacancies (specifically designed to disable Republicans).
The really sickening part of all this is that HB 4488 was originally going to establish a CHRON’S AND COLITIS AWARENESS WEEK, and SB 2412 was originally written as a bill promoting CHILD WELFARE.
Sick Democrats gutted these bills and replaced them with their own political agenda.
Deception and antics are the only ‘talents’ Illinois Democrats can rely on, and they have mastered them well. Read this article, and prepare to be disgusted:
In the meantime, Illinois Democrats are voting to PAY THEMSELVES obscene amounts of money to rip off Illinois taxpayers for absolutely nothing in return.
Wirepoints delves into their pathetic and disturbing heist here:

Democrats Only Know How to Scheme
Governor Pritzker’s foot soldiers tried to pull a fast one to change a law to prevent (Republican) candidates from gaining ballot access without running in a primary election. Their attempt was ruled unconstitutional by a lower court, but Illinois Democrat Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s office appealed the decision, and it is now expected to go to the Illinois Supreme Court.

‘Human Rights’ For???
Governor Pritzker could soon enact House Bill 4867 that would enshrine abortion into law as a ‘human right’. The law takes aim at employers and pregnancy resource centers. This wouldn’t be the first time Pritzker Democrats tried this. In the spring of 2023 they attempted the same thing with Senate Bill 1909. After months of litigation with the Thomas More Society, the Illinois Democrats’ evil plan was shut down. Let’s hope that happens again.

Ginger Rogers Dancing Backwards In Heels Was Impressive!
Illinois moving backwards on every level is NOT.
By now, we all know that Governor J.B. Pritzker is delusional or intentionally dishonest, (pathetic either way), but real-life stories are continuing to emerge illustrating the damage he and his fellow Democrats are unleashing on Illinoisans. The harshest casualties are being inflicted upon the very people they claim to be helping- low income and minority communities.
The latest IRS migration statistics show that from 2019-2022, Illinois lost a net $35.2 billion in adjusted gross income from people leaving- the 3rd worst performance among the states.
To so blatantly fail to fulfill the promises Pritzker and his Supermajority continue to make to Illinoisans is inexcusable. It is reprehensible to accept what they have done to the most vulnerable among us.
In a state overflowing with bad policies, this will not change until the perpetrators are held accountable and they are replaced with decent, competent leaders.
George Washington’s Cherries Unearthed At Mt. Vernon

Dozens of 18th century glass bottles were discovered recently in storage pits beneath the estate cellar of George Washington’s Mount Vernon plantation in Virginia. 29 of them were still intact, sealed and packed with preserved cherries and berries!
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.