Last Week in Springfield
Last week the Democrats, once again, cut our week short canceling Friday’s session, shutting down session early on Thursday, and slow walking the debate of bills on the House floor.
Committee work continued as we evaluated more Senate bills, a few lingering House bills that Democrats are interested in, and some amendments.
Of note last week in my committee is SB3235, a race-based bill that requires the state to identify geographical regions with disparities in banking, lending, financial investments services and more as it relates to protected classes in the Human Rights Act. In committee, the bill sponsors could answer none of the questions posed such as: what is the cost of the study, who will conduct the study, and what will they do with the findings. Are they going to mandate businesses operate and lend in those areas? It was total nonsense. We are back again this week as budget discussions continue among the Democrat leaders and Republicans and rank and file Democrats remain in the dark.
Pritzker’s Budget is Short $800 million Wants Tax Increases to Pay for New Spending
“The only population growth that we’re seeing in Illinois currently it the growth of illegal immigrants that are draining tax dollars while Illinois citizens struggle to pay their bills.”
State Rep. Chris Miller
The Center Square reorted that Deputy Gov. Andy Manar asked state agency directors to prepare for $800 million less in available revenue.
“Manar said it has “become clear that opposition to proposed revenue is significant enough to direct agencies to prepare for the possibility of reductions to proposed spending” and “we must prepare to implement a potential balanced budget scenario with $800 million less in available revenue.”
Read the entire article at this link. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_138399a2-0e47-11ef-bd27-772df3f94f9c.html

Session is expected to adjourn on May 24th and we have seen very little progress in the General Assembly. What we do know is Democrats have more magic tricks to pull from their radical rabbit hat, such as finding a sneaky way to pay for a budget that’s out of balance. Last year they passed a massive budget at 3:00 a.m. and this year we should expect the same maneuver with shell games.
Watch the Video of Rep. Miller addressing the budget
Illinois residents deserve transparency and truth from Pritzker and his sidekicks, but all they get fed is a can of lies. The three course meal Democrats will serve up this year is $1 billion more in taxes, golden ticket handouts for illegal immigrants, and an election interference political game.

As companies continue to hemorrhage money as a result of the electric vehicle (EV) experiment, Biden’s answer to the problem is to keep rolling out government subsidies for the force fed ‘green energy’ transition.
Governor Pritzker is right behind him dumping millions of Illinoisians’ taxpayer dollars into the LOSING idea. From the WSJ article:
EV startup Rivian this week also reported $1.45 billion in losses during the first three months of the year, amounting to $106,417 for each of the 13,588 vehicles it delivered. Its stock has fallen about 92% since the company went public in autumn 2021 amid irrational investor exuberance. Lucid’s stock is down 95% from its peak in November 2021.
Rivian has its own profligate government patron—the state of Illinois. This week Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced up to $827 million in incentives for Rivian to expand a local plant and hire 550 employees—about $1.5 million per job. An underwater state is coming to the rescue of an underwater manufacturer. Anyone want to predict how this will turn out?
Also, rental giant Hertz intends to ditch 30,000 EV’s, (10,000 more than initially planned), citing substantial vehicle depreciation that increased $588 million in the first quarter of 2024.https://www.autoweek.com/news/a60635964/hertz-rental-ev-losses/

The House Appropriations Higher Education Committee spent three and a half hours discussing a new funding program that looks to send money to universities based in part on the demographics of the student population. The 89-page report literally indicates that money would be based on the race of the student.
Of additional concern is that the Democrat legislators want taxpyers to pay for personal educational supports for students, not just tuition and fees. Other supports include food, housing, and child care.
Read more in this Center Square article. https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_104d8ee2-0e46-11ef-84a6-1bd8223d4e37.html Meanwhile, it is important to note that according to the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, Illinois in first in the nation in funding our universities on a full-time equivalent basis, and second place isn’ t even close. This chart shows you the funding level across the nation.

Picture from DePaul University in Chicago at Pro-Palestinian Encampment
Taken from Facebook Video of Pam Roehl
A lengthy Wall Street Journal article details the likely protestors that will converge on Chicago in August for the Democrat National Convention. The city is speculating there may be more protestors than the 5,000 convention attendees.
Illinois is home to the largest concentration of Palestinians in the U.S.
Here is an important excerpt:
Pro-Palestinian organizers say they are planning mass demonstrations around the convention. Hatem Abudayyeh, national chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, a group that has helped organize several pro-Palestinian rallies in Chicago, has said the so-called March on the DNC “will be the largest mobilization for Palestine” in the city’s history.
The organization is among several pro-Palestinian groups aiming to draw tens of thousands of protesters to the United Center as well as McCormick Place, where the party will hold meetings during the convention. According to sources, Gov. Pritzker’s office has asked local police and sheriff departments around the state to send deputies to augment security details for the DNC. Meanwhile, local police forces and sheriff departments have manpower challenges due to the SAFE-T Act.

Illinois’ Official State Snack Food Is Popcorn
Why? Because everyone loves popcorn!
There are 333 Illinois farms with farmers that grow popcorn on 47,000 acres, making Illinois the third largest grower of the product.
Most people are familiar with the very popular Garrett’s popcorn, but you can find mouthwatering varieties all over the state!https://www.enjoyillinois.com/search/?query=popcorn
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me. The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.