Read the Story at this Link: https://eastcentralreporter.com/stories/658254849-rep-miller-and-his-colleagues-respond-to-elections-omnibus-bill
More Thoughts on This Shameful Legislation
Democrats Quickly Create and Pass Election Omnibus Bill
Springfield, IL…The progressive Democrats yet again, used their sneaky tactics to bypass the legislative process to swiftly pass an election omnibus bill on the House floor. Republicans stood in unity to protest the dirty move by Democrats and voted “present” to SB2412. State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) is fed up with the lack of transparency, election interference, and corruption from power hungry Democrats.
“Yesterday we witnessed a brazen attack against Illinois democracy and residents are once again left in the dark by the Democrat party,” said Rep. Miller. “This bill that was filed last-minute, downright lacks transparency and is a political hack to suppress Republicans from filling ballot vacancies. Pritzker and Co. know we have a failing president, so they change our state election laws to favor their own party with desperate measures.”
SB2412 is a mirror of corrupt politicians and their motives, noted Miller, and cited the bill as another election year gimmick crafted by the “Bad Idea Factory” and is an illusion that Democrats care about Illinois residents. The playbook of intimidation and fear-mongering is used by progressives to get their way and cheats constituents from knowing the truth.
“House Republicans will always represent the people of Illinois with transparency, truth, and honest democracy,” continued Miller. “Our party has legislation on the table for immediate tax relief and ethics reform, yet Democrats refuse to acknowledge commonsense bills. We will continue to stand for what is right for the state of Illinois and fight to protect ethical legislative practices within the General Assembly.”
Listen As We Explain the Democrat “Gut and Replace” Legislation that in less than 48 hours changed election laws

Click HERE to Listen

Springfield Legislature Entering Into Its Final Weeks
You can be sure that last minute stunts will be pulled by the Democrat Supermajority, but ultimately this just reveals who they really are, and it SHOULD send the rest of us into planning mode.
Many updates will be coming soon! But here are just a couple of examples of the plethora of bills that Pritzker’s Democrats want to cram through. We all need to pay attention to what’s going on.
They want Illinois To Be A ‘Right To Die’ state. More disrespect for the sanctity of life:
They want to burden small business owners and employees with more mandates:

The EV Market is Imploding and Pritzker’s Response is to Give Rivian the Largest Corporate Tax Incentive Known.
This week Ford Motor Company announced a first quarter loss on sales of electrical vehicles of $1.3 billion dollars, an average loss of $132,000 per vehicle. Ford and other companies are backing away or decreasing future investments in the EV market. Even Tesla, the enviable leader in the industry for years has seen their stock drop by 40% over the past year.
At the same time that the EV market is faltering, Governor Pritzker announced on Thursday that he has awarded Rivian $827 million in tax incentives. Rivian promises to invest $1.8 billion and hire an additional 550 people. That means the incentive is worth $1.5 million per job. Rivian recently backed away from investing $5 billion in a Georgia plant and intends to produce a smaller more affordable EV at the Normal plant.
Here’s the rub – Rivian will announce its quarterly earnings report on Tuesday. It is interesting that this incentive package was announced ahead of that report.
Also interesting is this line from a Chicago Tribune article –
The new $827 million state incentive package is primarily funded through $634 million in tax credits over 30 years.
If $634 million is tax credits over 30 years, does that mean that state taxpayers are going to cut Rivian a check for $193 million upfront? Afterall, Pritzker gave Gotion $125 million and they didn’t even have building permits.

Rep. Miller Wants “Invest in Kids Program” back in Illinois
Last year, Democrats refused to support the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program. As a result, about 10,000 low-income children lost their opportunity for quality education. I’m fighting to bring back school choice to Illinois. Other states are expanding their school choice programs while Illinois denies low-income families from having a choice. Watch what I have to say in the video below.
Rep. Miller on Invest in Kids Program

You’re Paying for Expensive Injectable Weight Loss Drugs for Overweight Government Employees
WBEZ reported that a little-known provision in the budget bill last year included that state employees group health plans would pay for injectable weight loss drugs like Ozempic. What they didn’t tell anyone was that the cost was going to be $210 million and possibly much more.
According to WBEZ, “Gov. JB Pritzker’s office pushed to expand coverage of high-priced weight-loss drugs for state government’s workforce, a quiet maneuver that could cost Illinois taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars starting this summer”
The entire article is an insightful look at how budget decisions are randomly made and at the insistence of only one individual pushing for an expenditure. This article should be read in detail by everyone. Further on the article states:
The net cost to Illinois in mandating coverage of the drugs for those in the state health insurance program could range between $300 million and more than $461 million if half of the eligible individuals on the state program that are estimated to be obese partake in coverage, said Cummings, who helped research economic policy in the White House under Democratic President Joe Biden.
To come up with those numbers, Cummings said he took into account the number of enrollees in the state health program, the state’s average obesity rate, the average cost of injectable weight-loss drugs and the health-related benefits resulting from the drugs.
At the upper range, Cummings said the state could have to spend as much as $590 million, and those expenditures would then be offset by slightly more than $129 million in health-related savings.

Installing More Doesn’t Equate to Producing More
The REALITY is that renewable (‘green’) energy has an intermittency problem, which is why even though it’s cheap while it’s producing electricity, it’s more expensive than any other form of energy due to all the costs associated with making it reliable.
Not only is it expensive to produce, transport and install, the extra costs include the costs of battery facilities, baseload backup generators, transmission lines and over building of capacity.

When to Plant in Illinois
Fruit and Vegetable Planting guide
Everyone loves to pick fresh berries and vegetables straight from their own backyard. Find out the best times to plant based on where you live in Illinois and have fun this year growing your own fruits and vegetables.
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

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Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.