The House will be in session for the next three weeks after being off last week.
We have a lot of work to do in committees as numerous committees were scheduled and then canceled. There are only 13 days left on the schedule before the deadline for bills to be voted out of committee. Bills must go through committee before they can be voted on by the full House and then move to the Senate. As such, our days in the coming weeks will be mostly busy with committee work.
I want to let you know that your voice matters and can impact the outcome of legislation at any time during the legislative process. Below are a couple of examples.
Because of the robust backlash from business groups and individuals to HB 1634, a bill that would force Illinois to adopt California emission standards on trucks, that legislation is stalled in the Energy and Environment Committee. I am a member of that committee and I want you to know that I oppose this bill as do most, if not all, Republicans.
Read more about the legislation at this link:
Another bill that has received a lot of attention is HB 4876 which would classify parents as abusive if they oppose their child getting an abortion or taking steps to modify their gender. People have spoken up in opposition to the legislation from across the state and I believe the sponsor got the message and will not be moving her bill forward.
With both bills above, and with other problematic legislation, I will keep a watchful eye and alert you if they move forward, so your voice can be heard.
Illinois Needs to Quickly Abolish the Estate Tax

Family farms need to be protected at all costs and I’m calling for the Illinois Estate Tax to be abolished. Since 2013, the threshold amount of estate tax has been $4 million. Unlike most taxes, this tax is administered by the Attorney General not Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR). Most of the distribution of these taxes is to the General Revenue Fund (GRF).
How the Estate Tax Effects Illinois Farms
The “Death Tax” many refer to, is levied on property that is physically located in Illinois when its owner dies. Tax planners and advisors often help families move property from place to place if it can be electronically picked up and moved. This strategy is applicable to securities and financial investments, and is less applicable to assets that cannot be moved across state lines. The Illinois tax on estates falls more heavily upon Illinois farmland than upon almost any class of taxable property.
By tradition, Illinois farmland is owned by families, including working farmers. The estate tax seriously threatens this ownership pattern, and the way of life that it underpins. Tax realities sometimes force family farms to sell out to distant owners, including private equity corporations. Much Illinois land is still owned by the men and women who live on it and farm it, but unless tax policies are changed this will no longer be the case.
Estate Tax In Other States
Most U.S. states do not charge an estate tax or an inheritance tax, or have already repealed their taxes on estates and inheritances. Under current law, only 12 states charge an estate/inheritance tax. Midwestern states of Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin, which do not charge an estate tax or an inheritance tax. Large states that do not charge an estate/inheritance tax include California, Florida, and Texas.
Iowa is in the process of phasing out its inheritance tax, with Hawkeye State inheritances scheduled to become fully tax-free in 2025.

I’m asking you to please Sign the Petition to abolish the Estate Tax and Protect Family Farms!

Activist Democrat Judge Removes Trump From Illinois Ballot
Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie Porter’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by five Illinois voters represented by the group ‘Free Speech For People’ (founded by a far-left Ivy League Democrat). The goal of this group is anything BUT free speech.
They only want you to speak freely if you agree with their agenda.
In the judge’s own words, she tasked the Illinois state elections board with removing “Donald J. Trump from the ballot for the General Primary Election on March 19, 2024, or cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed.”
Illinois GOP Leaders React:
“Miller said the judge in Cook County should resign immediately, saying she is a political activist.”

Illinois Manufacturers Fight Back Against Chicago’s Anti Oil and Gas Lawsuits
Manufacturing, transporting and maintaining ‘green’ energy sources like windmills, batteries, solar panels and EV charging stations ALL REQUIRE THE USE OF OIL AND GAS in one way or another.
The arguments in these lawsuits are ridiculous on their face and, if enforced, will not only cost Illinoisans exorbitant amounts of money and kill jobs but will put us in a precarious and dangerous position if we have to rely on unproven and unpredictable energy sources.

Illinois In First Place Again!
Although we are not the top migration destination in the country, data collected during border crossings and from immigration courts reveals that Illinois has the highest percentage increase in the number of new immigration court cases from 2021 to 2023.

Why Controlled Borders Are Imperative
According to this article, Venezuela’s violent deaths dropped to their lowest level in more than two decades following a massive emigration of criminals and gangs looking for better opportunities to commit crimes (due to their nation’s economic crisis). The Venezuelan Violence Observatory registered 26.8 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants this year vs. 35.3 in 2022.

“In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb”
Technically it was still February, but the weather front that ripped through Illinois last week was terrifying and very destructive for a lot of people.
To take a closer look at March weather folklore, check out this Farmer’s Almanac article:
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.