Pritzker’s Lies and Democrat Over-Spending

2024 State of The State Lies Coming Soon!
We all heard Pritzker’s State of the State Address speech last year, and now look where we’re at as a state. The broken promises by Democrats continue to mount as our state carries the weight of poor public policies. This has to stop. Illinois could be a leader to neighboring states, but unfortunately we have a government that works through executive orders and overspending on pork projects. We heard the lies last year and we will hear them again on February 21st, 2024 as the Governor’s Budget & State of the State Address begins at noon. Don’t be fooled by the radical Democrats and what they consider beneficial to Illinois residents. Here are the lies we should expect to hear:

The History of Presidents Day
Here is a short history of the time-honored ‘Presidents Day’ that began with celebrating George Washington’s birthday which is February 22nd

Governor Pritzker to Give State of the State and Budget Address
This Wednesday Governor Pritzker will give his State of the State and Budget Address. We will be looking closely at his speech in light of the hundreds of millions of dollars he shifted around in the current budget to support illegal aliens. Our Republican caucus has no confidence that he will adequately address the illegal alien issue and be forthcoming about the current and future costs. The information below is just one more example of the money being moved from helping legal citizens to helping people who entered the country illegally.
Asking for More of Your Money for Illegals
How about Illinoisans who are struggling just to SURVIVE in this state?
Instead of saddling LEGAL,TAXPAYING Illinois citizens with the tab for his politically motivated policies, Governor Pritzker and his family should open up their Hyatt hotels and private estates to house, pay for and care for the thousands of illegal migrants HE has enticed to come to Illinois.

The History of Presidents Day
Here is a short history of the time-honored ‘Presidents Day’ that began with celebrating George Washington’s birthday which is February 22nd

Ridiculously dangerous.
Instead of remedying the multitude of serious issues facing the state of Illinois (which they were elected to do) these two far Left ideologues are way too busy clawing at parental rights and hissing disturbing lies to promote their own personal agendas. Their current priorities include fast-tracking feticide and promoting child bodily mutilation in Illinois.
These articles detail the recent legislation filed by Illinois State Representatives Anne Stava-Murray (left) and Kelly Cassidy (right):

Another Reason No One Wants to Do Business in Illinois
A new Tax Foundation study shows that Illinois has the 2nd highest corporate tax rate… IN THE COUNTRY!
Tax rates are probably the main reason businesses and residents have been fleeing Illinois for years, but the more disturbing reason behind it is that
They actually like it this way because they care more about their political agenda. But who do they think is going to pay for it? Hard working middle-class Illinoisans??
Illinois Gun Ban Challenge May be Headed to the Supreme Court

The push to nullify the gun ban law is NOT over.
In a long-expected move, national gun rights organizations are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Democrats’ firearms ban in Illinois
State Rep Miller Responds to
Former Madigan Chief of Staff Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Prison

Springfield, IL…Tim Mapes, a longtime friend and Chief of Staff to Mike Madigan has been sentenced to 2.5 years behind bars. Mapes was convicted of lying to a federal court to protect Madigan at all costs. State Representative Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) is happy to see justice served and says Madigan is next.
“For years, Tim Mapes was used as a shield to hide the corruption within the Madigan crime family and his prison sentence is fully justified,” said Rep. Miller. “I think Chicago corruption is much deeper than what we think, and crooked Madigan is next up for his convictions that have plagued our state with distrust.”
House Republicans continue to put pressure on Democrats to acknowledge there is a major problem in Illinois with corruption. The Republicans have commonsense solutions to quickly halt corruption, but those on the other side of the aisle refuse to sit down and talk. HB 4119 prevents defendants from pulling campaign money to fund their legal defense, like Madigan has done.
Rep. Miller continues to applaud the efforts to end Chicago corruption and to hold crooked politicians accountable for their actions.
Corrupt Illinois officials destroy people’s confidence in government everywhere and it costs taxpayers millions of dollars. Illinois Policy has calculated the cost at $550 million per year.
Read this article which tracks corruption in Illinois.
Republicans are Not Immune to Corruption
Former Republican Sam McCann Pleads Guilty to All Felony Counts.

Sam McCann pleaded guilty to nine felony counts of wire fraud, money laundering and tax evasion related to misusing $550,000 in campaign contributions.
The Edgar County Watchdogs has the story at this link:

Illinois public schools are failing MISERABLY, yet the very people ‘in charge’ are pleading with Governor Pritzker for more and more money all the time.
If they were small businesses in Illinois, their (legitimate) banks and funding partners would shut them down.
But Illinois’ government is not legitimate.
Listen to these radio interviews that expose exactly what is going on:
Happy Birthday to The Great Abraham Lincoln

On February 12th, 1809, President Abraham Lincoln was born. President Lincoln had a profound effect on his home state of Illinois, and the entire nation, through his work to end slavery in the United States. Happy birthday, Mr. President!
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.