Back in Session This Week
This week the Illinois General Assembly will be back to work beginning on Tuesday, January 16th.
There is no lack of topics to discuss from outmigration to illegal immigration. This session is sure to be contentious as expenses increase and excess revenues from COVID dry up. My Democrat colleagues are likely hoping for billions from the federal government for the illegal alien invasion to back fill our expenses. The Biden administration will likely try to find ways to make that happen, but that is a long-shot.
We still need property tax reform, school reform and tax reform. We need to pullback the agreement Governor Pritzker signed to give the Chinese communist backed company Gotion $536 milliion to set up an electrical vehicle battery plant that will compete with American companies.
There are so many other policy areas that need legislative fixes. If you have issues that require a change in law to fix, please let me know. Some of my best bills have come from folks that are dealing with a nonsensical policy. I will work with you to get bills filed, but I need the information soon.
Learn more about engaging in the legislative process at this link:
How Citizens Can Engage with the Legislature in Springfield

Dems Forced To ‘End-Around’ Their Own Dishonest Policies
If you’re a seasoned pet owner, you have probably had at least one that sneakily tried to hide its own bad behavior. Well, that’s exactly what Democrats are doing with the migrant crisis. YES, IT’S A CRISIS.
It goes like this:
- Federal Democrats put policies in place that leave our southern border wide open.
- Local Democrats (primarily big city mayors in blue states) suddenly claim that their ‘sanctuary cities’ cannot absorb the number of illegal migrants that are purposely being bused to their cities.
- Buses drop off the migrants in surrounding towns near Metra stations, and they are then transported to the very city that claimed they couldn’t take them in the first place.
- Coup de Grace: said city gets federal money for housing, education, medical care etc. for the migrants. One politician even publicly admitted that she can handle all the migrants and NEEDS them for redistricting purposes.
You get where they’re going with this? The problem is that they don’t think we’re onto them.
To add insult to injury, Governor Pritzker wants lawmakers to spend more of TAXPAYERS’ hard-earned money on his scheme even though he has already given the migrants millions of Illinoisans’ COVID relief money that was meant to help legal citizens who seriously suffered under his draconian dictates during the pandemic.

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Gun Ban Case
Governor Pritzker is gloating after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up our case challenging the impartiality of the Illinois Supreme Court in ruling on our gun ban lawsuit. Our case is one more example of a politicized justice system.
“We did not get a fair hearing in the Illinois Supreme Court, so now we’re going to have to look at other options,” the Decatur lawmaker said. “I think anyone who finds themselves at the Illinois Supreme Court has to question their ability to get a fair hearing.”
Read More Here
U.S. Supreme Court declines to review Illinois high court ruling upholding gun ban (

It’s For the Kids!
When it comes to education, Illinois schools are failing miserably despite the boatloads of money being dumped into them. A big part of the reason for this is the teachers’ unions (particularly in Chicago). Their primary goal is to advance a left-wing political agenda, and in 2023 the Chicago Teachers Union spent nearly three times more on politics than the year before. Only 17% of its spending was on representing teachers.
Meanwhile, a group by the name of ‘Funding Illinois’ Future’ (FIF) is sending out emails begging for MORE money for the failing public schools. As if they didn’t already prove that money doesn’t solve problems (and often breeds corruption) they claim that their coalition of more than 100 school districts, leaders, parents, education, community civic and faith-based organizations helped FIX Illinois’ worst-in-the-nation school funding formula with their ‘Evidence-based Funding Formula’ (EBF) in 2017.

Just Ignore the Facts, Folks
The latest stranglehold the Pritzker regime is trying to put on Illinoisans is more government licensing for jobseekers. Research shows that changing an occupation from unlicensed to entirely licensed is associated with a 29% reduction in employment.
But the Illinois Democrat supermajority doesn’t care. They just see dollar signs and power for themselves and are continuing to run people out of Illinois. Manicurists, barbers, security system installers and preschool teachers (just to name a few) will be the ones punished just for trying to make an honest living. This is the very same group of ordinary LEGAL citizens Pritzker & Co targeted during the COVID pandemic.

The Left Gets to Decide Whose Lives Matter?
During this holiday season you probably saw an abundance of pet rescue commercials wanting to raise money to save the lives of mistreated dogs and cats. And on a daily basis (year-round) we are bombarded with an obscene amount of ads (many government-subsidized) urging people to get vaccines and prescriptions for all kinds of ‘life threatening’ maladies.
More than likely, you are not hearing political elites and corporations talking about this:
Abortion killed 44.6 million people worldwide in 2023- more than any other cause of death.
Now the Biden Administration wants emergency room doctors to commit abortions, even if the state law says otherwise. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear an abortion case deciding whether emergency room doctors can commit abortions in Idaho despite the state’s law banning nearly all abortions.
Stay tuned:

It Doesn’t Add Up
This Decatur NewsRadio show episode is chock full of things you need to know!
- Why Illinoisans pay the 7th highest taxes in the nation, but the services they receive don’t reflect that
- Why government-imposed mandates are driving businesses out of Illinois
- Why car thefts in Chicago are up 37%
- Why Illinois politicians care more about illegal migrants than the constituents they are supposed to be representing
And much more…

It’s Cozy Candle Season!
Farm to Wick is a women-owned and operated candle company that is passionate about supporting local businesses and farmers. Their candles are made from Midwest soy wax and are all-natural, clean-burning and scented with natural essences.
Learn about these ladies, their business, and check out their upcoming events and products!
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.