Weekly Newsletter from Rep. Miller

What The Democrat Supermajority Thinks Is Important

On January 1, 2024, over 300 new laws will take effect in Illinois. They range from gun laws to minimum wage, to vaping, water fountains and electric vehicles.

Noticeably absent are any laws that will impact the MAJOR problems in our state like crime, education, family rights, business opportunities and public corruption. Taxes and the pension crisis are never mentioned either.

Go to the link in this article to familiarize yourself with what Springfield has been focused on this past year:


Putting Illinois In The Rear View Mirror

Illinois has lost 549,000 residents in the past decade, and the trend continues.

Governor Pritzker’s solution? Cook the books.

He and other Democrat leaders actually wrote to the U.S. Census Bureau asking them to revise their numbers upwards, and Pritzker claimed in April that we are actually gaining population in the state of Illinois.


Illinois Democrats’ #1 strategy for just about everything? Make stuff up.

But the U.S. Census didn’t go along with it. The latest number they published (July, 2023) shows the population at 12,549,689. That’s down from 12,813,469 (April 1, 2020).


Pritzker Democrats can say whatever they want, but the truth has consequences.

Illinois’ congressional representation has been on the decline since 1930 and if the trend continues, we will lose another two seats by 2030.


Illinois Firearms Registration Still Raising Concerns

Mandated by the “Protect Illinois Communities Act” passed in Springfield by the Democrat supermajority in January, 2023, all gun owners must fill out a form with the state police by January 1, 2024 listing their name, address and the firearms being registered. Failure to register could result in confiscation by law enforcement. But there are still a lot of questions about the whole process and the constitutionality of the law.

As usual, the lawmakers who shoved this down Illinoisans’ throats didn’t thoroughly think things through. But you can be sure of one thing- gang bangers and criminals won’t be rushing to register anything, and our current justice system in Illinois won’t hold them accountable.


Where Do YOUR House And Senate Members Stand?

Are they working for you or feathering their own nests?

Illinois faces a dire pension crisis, and it speaks volumes when public officials completely ignore this and care only to get whatever they can for themselves from the ‘magical’ taxpayer money tree. In the overall scheme of things, giving up a legislative pension doesn’t begin to put a dent in fixing the daunting pension problem in Illinois, but wouldn’t it be nice if more of them at least acted like they cared?


Hit The Road, Jack

While buses (paid for by???) are transporting illegal migrants from the US southern border all across the country, some communities are taking matters into their own hands. Ahead of Christmas weekend, officials in Grundy County, Illinois erected two digital signs along Interstate 55 saying ‘NO MIGRANT BUSES THIS EXIT’. The county recently passed a resolution declaring it a ‘non-sanctuary county for immigration’.

This entire immigration mess is not only unfair to the towns where unexpected busloads of people are being indiscriminately and covertly dropped off, it is cruel to the people who were encouraged to come here when there was absolutely no plan for how to care for them. That’s for the rest of us to figure out.

One more example of Democrats caring about nothing but personal gain, power and politics.


New Year’s Resolutions Bad For Our Brains?

This neuroscientist thinks so. She claims that when we set a goal, follow through and achieve success, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine which makes us ‘feel good’.  On the other hand, when we fail to hit our goals, our brain’s chronic stress system is activated.


Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.

Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.

The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.