Ed Burke Pleads Not Guilty As Corruption Continues to Spread

Ed Burke is on trial and faces 14 counts of federal corruption charges for allegedly abusing his powers for personal gain. The former Chicago alderman might have been living a double life as a bribe-taker and extortionist. Burke was once considered to be the most powerful aldermen in the city of Chicago and now faces serious charges after the FBI raided his office in 2018.

The trial covers at least four occasions in which Burke allegedly used his powers to shake down businessmen and organizations who were attempting to work the City Hall. One instance, he allegedly threatened business owners for not hiring his private law firm.

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Ed Burke has plead not guilty to all charges but prosecutors have recorded audio that tell another story.

From 2000 to 2018 political corruption has cost Illinois $550 million each year in lost economic investment. When does it end?

State lawmakers can pass commonsense reform to end corruption, but Democrats like to ride the corruption wave to get what they want.

Stamping-Out Corruption in Illinois: https://repcmiller.com/2023/08/30/stamping-out-corruption-in-illinois/