Saluting Our Veterans in Mattoon

Why The Pushback on School Choice In Illinois?
With the battle to preserve the Invest In Kids Act coming down to the wire during the Illinois General Assembly (ILGA) veto session, it has become crystal clear that the failing public school system in Illinois has roots far deeper than Illinois’ one and ONLY scholarship program.
Despite spending some of the highest dollar amounts per student in the country, Illinois public schools are failing miserably. Clearly money is not the problem. And the people in charge (like the Illinois State Board of Education) are misleading Illinoisans not only with the success fairytales they are telling, but by what they are NOT saying.
To start chipping away at the iceberg, Illinois Republicans are demanding that the ILGA take action to support the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program before its sunset December 31st. Joined by rallying students, the pressure is on to take school choice seriously if there is to be any kind of change in Illinois’ broken and corrupt public education system.
It’s not just Springfield Democrats that are giving the stiff arm to school choice. Jan Schakowsky and six other members of the Illinois delegation in Congress are putting out the cynical message that “school vouchers, including Invest in Kids tax credit scholarships, perpetuate and deepen the education inequities that plague Illinois”.
Are they kidding???
The real reason they want to eliminate school choice is because it embarrasses the teachers unions that fund their political campaigns. Their deceit and hypocrisy are palpable. Governor Pritzker doesn’t want to waste political capital getting involved, so Representative Schakowsky, (whose husband happens to be in a lucrative business partnership with the American Federation of Teachers), is doing Pritzker’s dirty work for him.
This is the game Democrats and Teachers Unions are playing, and the only losers here are the students: Op-Ed: Illinois lawmakers adjourn without saving school choice, but fight will continue | Illinois | thecentersquare.com

Illegal Migrants Before Disabled Illinoisans
According to the latest national statistics, Illinois has more than 19,000 individuals with disabilities waiting oftentimes for years for the care they desperately need. Instead of fixing the crisis, Pritzker & Co are playing their usual shell game and DISABLED ILLINOISANS are getting the shaft. The only other option Democrats have come up with is (as usual) to beg the federal government (i.e., responsible states in the union) to clean up their mess for them.
Instead of supporting the disabled, spending estimates for the explosion of free healthcare for non-citizens is nearly $300 million more than budgeted, just four months into the fiscal year.
Fortunately, a bipartisan group of legislators have called for an audit on the spending by the Auditor General.

What’s The Real Motivation Here?
Since the Protect Illinois Communities Act became law in early 2023, thousands of types of guns and accessories have become illegal. Those who owned the now banned guns and accessories prior to the law are allowed to keep them, but they are required to register them with the state.
You can be sure the gang-bangers, drug dealers and looters won’t be held to the same standard.
Nor will they likely receive equally harsh punishments for any non-compliance.
So, what’s the deal?
The law is vague, poorly written and will be difficult to enforce. It may even prove to be unconstitutional. But the goal here is clear- the radical Left in the Democrat Party wants to hamstring police and let criminals run wild at the expense of law & order and self-defense. Accountability for gun violence seems to be arbitrarily and politically handled depending on how it fits the Left’s narrative.
As long as the current majority remains in the driver’s seat, the chaos will continue.

Nuclear Ban Lifted
Despite gaining bipartisan support during regular legislative proceedings in May, Governor Pritzker vetoed a bill that aimed at lifting the ban which would have allowed advanced nuclear reactor development. Because the bill faced opposition from anti-nuclear activists and clean energy groups who claim that renewable energy sources are more effective, Pritzker caved.
However, this week during VETO Session, revised legislation passed to study small-scale nuclear development and allow new nuclear plants up to 300 MW of plated capacity. For comparison, the Clinton Nuclear Plant is rated at 1,065 MW and the Prairie State Coal Plant is rated at 1,600 MW.
Illinois lawmakers approve plan to allow small-scale nuclear development | NPR Illinois

Reinstate The Illinois State Capitol Prayer Room
House Resolution HR495 has been introduced by the Illinois Legislative Prayer Caucus (ILPC) to reinstate a prayer room in the Illinois State Capitol. Unfortunately, during a 2009-13 renovation of the West Wing of the Capitol, the nondenominational chapel was transformed into a House committee room.
Rep. Brad Halbrook, Chairman of the ILPC, filed the resolution stating, “Prayer was a vital part of the founding fathers’ lives as they sought the direction, protection and wisdom of God. Our great need of God’s help today is no different…”
Debra Pratt, State Director of the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network, added “President Lincoln has been quoted as having said, ‘I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.’ “
Citizens who support the reinstatement of a prayer room in the Illinois State Capitol building can add their names to a growing list by clicking on the link contained in this article:

42 Centerpiece Ideas For Your Thanksgiving Table
Things like fall leaves, gourds, dried fruits and plants and fresh flowers are pretty easy to come by this time of year. You may already have an abundance of them around your house! Why not make a wonderful Thanksgiving centerpiece out of them?
Here are some easy and beautiful ideas to make your table look extra special:
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

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