Rep. Miller Wants More Protections in Next Farm Bill

Springfield, IL The Farm Billis a massive piece of legislation and must be reauthorized about every five years. The current 2018 Farm Bill expired, and this gives Democrats an opening to advocate for more regulations and to create more theories around the myth of climate change. State Representative Chris Miller (R- Hindsboro) hits back as farmers want protections not regulations.

“It’s important that real farmers in Illinois and their land are protected from Marxist farmers,” said Rep. Miller. “We have so-called farmers buying land to “restore soil” and convert corn fields with hemp. These people think corn and soybean crops are a threat to our environment and that’s a very dangerous claim to make.”

The Farm Bill is a package of legislation that’s passed about every five years. This bill has an enormous impact on farmers, how crops are grown, crop insurance, and protecting family farms. This bill is the foundation of our food and farm systems, and it needs to be good for farmers, consumers, and the environment.

Many farmers have expressed concerns over new practices being enforced by our government to back the ideology of reducing emissions to “save the world.”

“Protecting our conservation programs that has helped farmers for decades should be a priority to address when the next Farm Bill is passed by Congress,” Rep. Miller continued to say. “Let me be clear, we need to protect our land from China and the foreign influence on America’s agriculture industry.”
