Many in the world have never seen the pure hatred and evil shown by Hamas terrorists and their enablers over this last week. The atrocities committed against innocent people must not be forgotten and I support Israel’s right to annihilate those responsible for these brutal attacks.
Unbelievably, Illinois Democrat legislators signed a letter blaming Israel for the assault on humanity by suggesting inequality was the cause of the murderous acts by Hamas. Their naivete is dangerous and their inability to discern who is at fault is a threat to democracies everywhere.
Praying for the Israeli people, the apple of the Lord’s eye.
“For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” Zechariah 2:8, KJV
National Farmer’s Day
October 12, 2023

National Farmer’s Day is a special day set aside to appreciate the hardworking men and women who feed and fuel our world. Thank you to farmers for your dedication to your families, land, and communities and for making our world a better place. Happy Farmers Day!

Illegal Migrants Before Illinois Citizens
Governor Pritzker announced last week that he plans to divert funds from taxpayer funded rental assistance programs that have already been budgeted for Illinois citizens and use them to help the influx of non-citizen migrants that have been flooding the state since President Biden blew the US southern border wide open. Chicago alone has seen over 15,000 migrant arrivals, and the state of Illinois has already spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on them.
If this isn’t the definition of RECKLESS & IRRESPONSIBLE, what is??
And Yet, He is Still Welcoming Illegal Immigrants
While Governor Pritzker whines about Texas sending illegal migrants to Chicago, he continues to call Illinois a ‘welcoming state’ and is spending hundreds of millions of Illinois taxpayer dollars on them. At the same time, he is pathetically begging the Biden Administration for more money to manage the influx of migrants.
“Someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities!” Pritzker told Face the Nation on Sunday.
Democrat Policies on Illegal Immigrants Costing Taxpayers

The Democrats are hurting American citizens every day by applauding an open border. While Republicans agree our country is where the American Dream is created for all, there is also a legal process to become an American citizen. The Governor on the other hand, welcomes all illegal immigrants into Illinois with taxpayer funded healthcare along with other perks. Additionally, rental assistance funding for citizens has been diverted to help pay for migrant care.
It’s clear as day, Illinois cannot afford to pay for thousands of illegal immigrants. The red flags were on display during lame duck session, behind closed doors, as Democrats crafted bills that benefit illegal immigrants that come to Illinois. When does the spending spree stop? Chicago prides itself as being a sanctuary city as migrants are being housed in the city’s airport and police stations. Furthermore, there has been talks of spending $30 million (taxpayer money again) on military style tents for the winter months. It’s ridiculous that Illinois has come to this point. With money being spent like there’s no tomorrow, the governor is now pleading for help from the federal government. This disaster unfolding in Illinois started in Washington with leaders who refuse to close our border. We need immediate action taken to protect American citizens. Our country is being invaded and states across the county, including Illinois, are paying a high price for not enforcing immigration laws. Our border needs secured, our laws need to be applied, and we need leaders who will work for the American people.
Rep. Miller Addresses the Imminent Invasion on Our Southern Border
Rep. Miller Addresses the Imminent Invasion on Our Southern Border – YouTube

A Picture Speaks 536 Million Words
Flanking the ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ logo, reckless and ignorant co-conspiring Governors Pritzker and Witmer touted their ill-conceived plan to infiltrate Illinois and Michigan with Communist Chinese opportunists. These two incompetent governors don’t know how to attract and keep American companies in their states, so they desperately need to resort to pandering to the highest bidders, even if those bidders are our sworn enemies. Pritzker has pledged $536 million of hardworking Illinois taxpayers’ money to entice the Chinese, facilitating their power-hungry agenda.
Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (opportunity for WHO exactly?) recently announced their $536 million incentive package for Chinese company Gotion to set up shop in Illinois. Pritzker’s office stated the factory will be both the largest-ever electric vehicle battery producer and the most significant manufacturing venture in the state in decades.
If you disagree with his plans, the governor will simply slap you with the ‘xenophobic’ label.
That’s what you do when you can’t legitimately defend your actions.
Illinois lawmakers and residents are demanding answers:
Illinois lawmakers and residents are demanding answers:

More Illinois Corruption
During the recent perjury and obstruction of justice trials of former House Speaker Michael Madigan and his Chief of Staff Timothy Mapes, another Democrat scandal was uncovered.
Anita Dunn, co-founder of the top Democratic communications firm SKDK (pictured above), received more than $200,000 to provide Madigan with crisis communications assistance involving a sexual harassment case against one of his aides, Kevin Quinn. Simultaneously, Dunn provided support to that same female accuser and her claims of Madigan’s inner circle of retaliation.
Republican Illinois State Representative Chris Miller responded by saying, “Democrat corruption has impacted families across Illinois for years, and it’s time to end the Madigan circus of crimes. Without ethics reform, Democrats will continue to operate behind closed doors with no transparency and stir up a recipe of crooked tactics to enrich themselves.”
Wirepoints offers an in-depth analysis of why nothing will change in the Illinois General Assembly under the Madigan-style leadership of House Speaker Chris Welch and Senate President Don Harmon.
Read the article here.
What Is The ‘Spoon Drive’, You Ask?

It’s not too late to experience, and it continues through this weekend!
The Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive Fall Festival began in Fulton County, Illinois in 1967 and is a fun way to experience the area’s unique businesses, food, arts & crafts, history and beautiful scenery.
There are friendly people all along the way who will welcome and delight your whole family!
Learn more about it here: http://spoonriverdrive.org/
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 217.508.4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.