Why D-Day Still Matters
On June 6, 1944, the United States, Great Britain, Canada and French resistance forces brought the fight to Hitler and his evil legion. The Allied forces stood across the English Channel with more than 150,00 troops in more than 5,000 ships. On the other side was the heavily fortified German army, defending the coast of France.
So many things could have gone wrong, and nothing about the operation was easy. More than 4,000 troops, including 2,499 U.S. soldiers, were killed in the invasion. But within 24 hours, the Allies controlled all five beaches of Normandy and began their drive across France into the heart of the Third Reich.
D-Day is worth remembering because it was a moment when we came together as a nation, as branches of armed forces and as Allies to declare with one voice that we were going to prevail in the name of freedom.
We owe it to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to make sure we never forget why they fought, and we must strive to be unified as a nation if we wish to overcome all odds and accomplish great things in our future.
Banana Republic
Pritzker Picking His Judges

Our Way or The Highway
“The Democratic definition of efficient government in Illinois is now lawmaking without judicial review. Downstate courts are often the only place where progressive laws encounter any resistance. Mr. Pritzker has eliminated them by fiat.”
Wall Street Journal Editorial, June 7, 2023
Not only do Illinois Democrats have free reign to do whatever they want, (pass laws and budgets that no one else can weigh in on), now they’re attempting to block any recourse to fight back against corrupt, dangerous policies after they have already been inflicted upon the people of Illinois.
They passed a law that requires any constitutional challenge to a state law, rule or executive order to be filed in only two Illinois counties. You guessed it- the counties containing Chicago and Springfield. Scheming Attorney General Kwame Raoul came up with the idea, goose-stepping Democrat lawmakers passed it, and on Tuesday, King Pritzker signed the outrageous dictate into law.
The Wall Street Journal, which has written about Illinois every week for the last month, spilled ink again on this outrageous legislation.
Let’s see if anyone fights back against the law that doesn’t allow anyone to fight back.

Many Unknowns in Illinois’ 2024 Budget
The $50.4 billion budget that Governor Pritzker signed on Wednesday may contain intentional holes in it as it relates to Illinois’ contract (which expires in June) with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union (AFSCME). New AFSCME expenses could cost Illinoisans up to an additional $300 million, but Pritzker says that ‘funding is available’.
It’s a shell game. This is how Illinois politicians continue to get away with the irresponsible and reckless spending that is ruining our state.
The newly signed state budget goes into effect on July 1.

Photo from Lake County Gazette
Follow-Up to the $300k taxpayer grant to BLM of Lake County
Another Waste of Your Tax Dollars
And Here:

New/Reinstated Taxes and Fees Kick-In July 1
As we warned, increased taxes on groceries, gas, and other “fees” are about to hit Illinois families in their wallets.
“Next month, the state’s gas tax will increase by 6.2 cents to a total tax of 45.4 cents, the second increase since Jan. 1. The state’s tax on groceries will also go back into effect after Gov. J.B. Pritzker put a hold on the tax during last year’s election cycle.”
Read More Here: https://www.thecentersquare.com/illinois/article_0b74100a-0189-11ee-a218-2f37f31e5093.html

Planned Parenthood Strikes Again
In order to protect the heinous invitation Illinois lawmakers extended to out-of-state residents to come here for abortions, they have now doubled down and want to pass House Bill 3326 which would limit other states’ ability to access automatic license plate reader data from those seeking abortion in Illinois.
Practically speaking, how would this law even be implemented? What is the underlying motive? And where do you draw the line? Will out-of-state violent criminals be protected too?
There is nothing more violent than taking the life of an unborn baby.

Mark your calendars for Illinois Free Fishing Days taking place June 16-19 this year. Illinois anglers can fish without a license during this time, coinciding with the Father’s Day weekend. It’s a great opportunity to introduce children, grandchildren, friends, and others to the fun and adventure of fishing.
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at (217) 508-4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, and is open Monday-Friday from 9am to 4 pm.