Democrats pass a bill that effectively requires Illinoisans to help pay for new utility lines to bring in coal and natural gas energy from other states in the MISO area as they have condemned coal an natural gas production in Illinois. It is insanity!
Listen to My Floor Speech on the Issue.
VIDEO: Rep. Chris Miller Fights for Low-Cost Energy (repcmiller.com)
Democrats Pass Largest Budget in Illinois History
Fail to Extend Tax Credit Scholarship Program
The Democrats passed the budget in the House at 2:30am on Saturday morning over a holiday weekend after negotiating the spending behind closed doors amongst themselves.
We sat there with little to no information about the details of the two bills that were in total over 4,000 pages.
Stay tuned for my Summer Town Halls where I will give you more details on the budget and other new laws that were passed.
A few budget bullet comments:
· The general revenue budget is the largest in history at $50.6 billion
· Legislators receive another pay increase, raising their pay to over $89,000 for a part-time job. Four years ago they made $67,000.
· The budget includes borrowing of over $700 million, this after Democrats have said they have plenty of money to spend
· The budget funds care for illegal immigrants in the range of $800 million – and likely more
· The budget has millions of dollars of pet projects like giving $300,000 to Black Lives Matter of Lake County

Democrats Couldn’t Follow Their Own Schedule? Yeahhh…
They set the deadline to pass their budget for Friday, May 19th, but that date came and went, and the spring session for the Illinois General Assembly (ILGA) needed to be extended. The 2023 spring legislative session finally came to an end around 2:30 am on Saturday, May 27, with ILGA Democrats voting to pass a $50.6 billion spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year that begins July 1.
If they had no intention of debating the budget, why did they bother with the extension?
They’re fooling no one.
Aside from the sneaky line items that are most assuredly part of the budget, (which no one will know about for months to come- if ever), one major point of contention was the out-of-control spending program that provides free healthcare for undocumented immigrants, which alone is worth nearly $1 billion of the projected budget of $50 billion.
Republicans are routinely cut out of participating in the ILGA’s budget process, but this time even Democrats were kept in the dark. Only a few top leaders in the Democratic supermajority will have any understanding of the 1,000+ page budget that just got shoved down everyone’s throats.
Here is a partial list of the self-serving Democrat bloat that YOU will be paying for:
Now that this year’s annual sham show has concluded, get ready to listen to the hot air coming out of Governor Pritzker’s blowhole about his ‘balanced budget’.

State Representative Chris Miller issued the following statement today on the FY24 Illinois state budget:
“Finally, after they failed to have a budget passed before their own self-imposed deadline last week, JB Pritzker and Illinois Democrats have released their budget. We were completely shut out from the process, and it’s ridiculous that taxpayers and residents of this state have to deal with this year-after-year. There’s more spending with less money, and we wonder why people are fleeing Illinois. Illinoisans deserve much better.”
We Voiced Our Concerns.
The Democrat’s Didn’t Care.
Ahead of the budget discussion, my colleagues and I spoke out to let the media and others hear our concerns.
Those comments went unheeded.

No School Choice For You, Illinois
‘Balanced’ and ‘Compassionate’? That’s what Illinois Democrat lawmakers are calling the whale of a budget they just passed during the wee hours of Saturday morning. Only a select handful of Pritzker’s foot soldiers knows what’s in this dishonest, behemoth $50.6 billion ‘budget’.
They don’t want hard-working taxpayers to know where their money is going.
But one of their priorities was crystal clear- they made sure to take away every last penny from families who were relying on scholarship assistance to give their children a quality education. Governor Pritzker had the NERVE to say, “I look forward to signing this budget making…education more accessible”. It does the exact opposite. There is nothing ‘compassionate’ about this bill, and the budget is anything but ‘balanced’.
This is no different than credit card fraud, but apparently the law doesn’t apply to Democrats- so they will be allowed to use your stolen card to spend money on whatever they want, with zero accountability.
Read more about the SCHOLARSHIP SCANDAL here:

How Hospitable Will Mayor Johnson Be?
It didn’t take long for sanctuary city Democrats to change their tune once Open-Border-Biden’s illegal immigrants started bum-rushing their hometowns. ‘No human being is illegal!’, they once cried. But now, many of those same Democrats are declaring they can’t possibly accept any more migrants and are even embracing the same Republican policies they once called racist and cruel.
In 2019, then-mayor Lori Lightfoot pledged to protect “every Chicagoan” from Trump’s “racist, anti-immigrant terror.” After over 9,000 migrants arrived in Chicago, and Lightfoot lost her reelection bid, she said in her final weeks in office that the city was “completely tapped out” and declared a state of emergency.
So how will Brandon Johnson address the ongoing insanity? It remains to be seen.
But here’s the new mayor’s initial tow-the-party-line reaction to the situation:

Donnie J Clough Honored
Illinois State Representative Chris Miller recently sponsored a resolution honoring Marine Pfc. Donnie Joe Clough of Hindsboro, the only Oakland-area service member to be killed in Vietnam. He was only 20 years old when he was killed in action on Sept. 9, 1969. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Vietnam Service Medal with One Service Star, Vietnam Campaign Medal, National Defense Service Medal and the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal.
During a ceremony on Saturday, Rep. Miller also announced that a section of Illinois Route 133 in Hindsboro, in southeast Douglas County, has been named the Pfc. Donnie J. Clough Memorial Highway.

~Honoring Our Nation’s Fallen Service Members~
How Memorial Day began and how it has been transformed:
“It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
~Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery
Our nation needs a rebirth of freedom, and will not experience one unless we each do our part.

Central Illinois Has Great Summer Festivals!
Check out this list of the top 7 festivals in Central Illinois along with many other fun summer activities being offered in the Champaign-Urbana area:
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district: https://repcmiller.com/district/

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at 618.546.0044 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave, Charleston and is open Mon-Fri from 9am- 4 pm.