Good morning! My weekly newsletter from this past week —

Rep. Miller Calls for an End to Illinois’ Culture of Corruption

I rise today to speak about Illinois’ rampant, and disgraceful corruption problem. From governors, to state reps., to Chicago City councilmen, dishonest politicians and extensive corruption schemes are deeply engrained in our politics, and it’s dismantling the foundation on-which our republic was built.
Just as an example, Chicago, for 3 years in a row, has been rated as the most corrupt city in America, and Illinois was rated as the 3rd most corrupt state in the nation. The number of elected officials and business leaders involved in these cases is so high, that University of Illinois-Chicago professor and former 44th Ward Alderman Dick Simpson called it “staggering”.
These politicians and organizations have placed personal gain over public service, and, even after this criminal enterprise was exposed, Democrats have failed to address the corruption problem once and for all.
They’re unwilling to pass real, meaningful, effective ethics reform in Illinois, and its hurting Illinoisans and our economy. In fact, corruption costs Illinois around $550 million in lost economic activity every year, and we owe it to taxpayers to create and implement solutions to this embarrassing mess.
We need real ethics reform. Now.
Listen to my speech here:

For far too long, we have allowed the core ethical behavior of people like Mike Madigan, his associates and those like them to become the way we do business in the state of Illinois. Even with the conviction of the ComEd 4, will the ‘Madigan (Chicago) Way’ continue to infect how our government works in the state’s capitol of Springfield?

The Illinois Gun Ban Debate Is Heating Up
As a federal judge grants a preliminary injunction against the Illinois assault weapons ban, a separate case from Naperville has made it all the way to U.S. Supreme Court.
Illinois legislators have been drafting facially unconstitutional laws that are consistently becoming more and more sweeping. At the same time, their overreach is giving gun rights advocates huge victories.
U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn has granted a preliminary injunction of Illinois’ gun ban law recognizing that these types of laws may be popular in states like Illinois but noted that “even legislation that may enjoy the support of a majority of its citizens must fail if it violates the constitutional rights of fellow citizens.”
Now U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has been brought into the fray in response to a case involving a gun shop in Naperville, Illinois. The shop is seeking injunctive relief, and Justice Barrett has given the proponents of the Illinois gun ban law until Monday to respond to the request.

This Is What A Real Budget Looks Like, Governor
The Indiana General Assembly concluded last week, and their Republican Senate successfully passed a balanced two-year budget for 2024 & 2025. The package will provide a projected $109 million in property tax relief for homeowners and an additional projected $117 million in income tax cuts for Indiana residents.
Other highlights of the budget include improved healthcare, funding for K-12 education, improved public safety, support for Hoosier veterans and the reduction of state debt.
So, What About Illinois’ Budget?
Meanwhile, in Springfield budget discussions are virtually nonexistent to rank and file House members. What should be the priority legislative item we handle at the beginning of session, is pushed to the end of the session and discussed behind closed doors. At best, Democrats will let a couple members of the Republican caucus sit-in in budget negotiations. But at the end of session, the budget bills that are presented on the members for a vote are entirely a Democrat product. With their super majorities, Democrats are uninterested in Republican calls to reign in spending and any of our budget priorities. Hopefully, I will have more specific budget information available in next week’s newsletter.

Illinois Exodus Ramps Up
Continuing to be in denial, or be intentionally deceptive, J.B. Pritzker insists that “countless companies are choosing Illinois as their home”. But the data is clear that Illinois and other states dominated by progressives are losing human talent in droves to better-governed states. IRS data proves that a net 105,000 people left Illinois in 2021, taking with them some $10.9 billion in AGI (adjusted gross income).
That’s up from $8.5 billion in 2020 and $6 billion in 2019.
Illinois is in a vicious cycle.
The more people that leave the state the more pressure there is to raise taxes, which causes more out-migration. Listen to this segment on ‘Chicago’s Morning Answer’ (AM560) discussing how the flight of Illinois’ wealthiest residents causes Illinois to miss out on billions in tax revenues.

Illinois On Track To Deny ALL School Choice
Even though Illinois is spectacularly failing its public school students and taxpayers, Governor Pritzker and his foot soldiers intend to strip low-income, working-class families of the state’s sole form of school choice, the Invest in Kids Act.
While states around the country are rapidly expanding meaningful school choice programs, self-serving Illinois politicians are feverishly working to eliminate any options that would bring the opportunity for success to their students- opportunities that underprivileged children desperately need. The only thing the elites are interested in is teachers’ union goodies for themselves.

Any Opportunity To Control Us
Even though the statewide Illinois mask mandate ended over 400 days ago, our Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias is still requiring face coverings for drivers’ tests.
With no justifiable reason, the Secretary of State’s Office (which is not a health agency) issued a statement that they will continue to enforce the masking until May 11 which is when the federal government will officially ‘end’ the national public health emergency.
At the Capitol This Week
Illinois Police Memorial

At the National Day of Prayer Breakfast

School Children Visit the Capitol

No One Should Eat Illinois Carp
The Illinois Department of Public Health has issued a statewide fish consumption warning for 10 locations with specific fish they caution should not be eaten by anyone. The primary cause of the “do not eat” advisories involves a group of more than 200 man-made chemicals.
The list is even more extensive for women who are, or could become, pregnant, women who are nursing, and children under 15 years old.
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at (217) 508-4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, and is open Monday-Friday from 9am to 4 pm.