My weekly newsletter from 4/29/23:

Chicago Democrats talk about how they want to preserve soil health and well-being, yet they advocate for legislation that requires Chinese-made solar panels to be installed on thousands of acres of fertile Illinois farmland.
Listen to his floor speech exposing these conflicting bills by clicking here.

Interested in politics and state government? Looking to get involved in the legislative process? If so, my summer internship program might be perfect for you.
Responsibilities Include:
- Attending official events with Rep. Miller
- Helping with constituent outreach events
- Assisting legislative aide with day-to-day office duties
- Door-knocking and constituent outreach
- Other responsibilities that may come up as needed
- Currently enrolled in a 2 or 4-year college or university
- Current valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle
- Ability to work flexible hours as needed
- Interest in state politics
- Resides within proximity of Charleston, IL
- Positive attitude and willingness to learn
Click here to learn more and apply!

What A Truthful Headline Would Read:
‘Why is BRIBERY such an accepted practice in Illinois politics?’
There is plenty of blame to go around, and former House Speaker Mike Madigan is the quintessential poster child for representing ‘the game’, but the real story goes much deeper. Corruption in Illinois has a long history and is deeply entrenched in the state.
After six weeks of trial, 12 jurors are considering the merits of the case that ended former House Speaker Michael Madigan’s record-breaking grip on power. But when all is said and done, will it just be the names and faces of the players that change, or are Illinoisans going to demand better?

Classic Example Of Illinois’ Scandalous Budget Process
Illinois’ program for free Medicaid for illegal immigrants is costing an estimated $990,000,000 – 495 TIMES what the estimate was at the time on passage just three years ago. The estimated $2 million cost was reached in its first month of the programs existence. It is 94 times the cost of its first year cost of $188 million.
Costs continue to grow, and the state doesn’t have the money.
Additional pressure on Medicaid from this program comes at a time when the state is expected to lose $760 million in special Medicaid federal funding for its own citizens that was provided to states during the pandemic.

13 Illinois Counties At Risk For Housing Market Downturn
A recent analysis done by real estate and property data warehouse ATTOM was based on a variety of metrics for different areas, including general property costs, amount of underwater loans and foreclosures and unemployment rates.
The company’s assessment also expresses concerns about Illinois’ high taxes, poor jobs climate and growing out-migration problem.

Illinois A Ranking Member In The ‘Biggest Losers’ Club
Illinois, New York and California continue their streak as the nation’s biggest losers of residents and their wealth to other states according to the analysis in the link below.
Texas and Florida continue to be the nation’s biggest winners.
The latest IRS state-by-state migration data is based on tax returns filed in 2020 and 2021, covering tax filers and their dependents who moved from one state to another between 2019 and 2020.

It’s The Illinois National Guard’s 300th Birthday!
The Illinois National Guard traces its history back to May 9, 1723 with their first ‘muster’ (an accounting of members in a military unit) of the local militia in the Illinois Territory. This muster was in the small village of Kaskaskia in southern Illinois, then part of French territory.
The Illinois State Military Museum is celebrating the occasion in Springfield on May 6th, and the schedule of events is contained in the link below:
Here is a map of the new 101st House District. Use this link for a clearer picture and to enter your address to see if you live in the district:

As your state representative, my office is available to assist you with any issues you may have when interacting with a state agency.
Please call our office at (217) 508-4108 to get help or schedule an appointment to see me.
The office is located at 1113 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, and is open Monday-Friday from 9am to 4 pm.