Ongoing Failures at IDES
On Thursday, my colleagues’ Reps. Ugaste, McLaughlin, Elik, and Sosnowski held a press conference to highlight the continued failure of the Pritzker Administration to fix the ongoing crisis at IDES. We’re 14 months into a pandemic and the Department of Employment Security continues to fall short of its duties. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many of our constituents have been let go from their job. They seek help with the state only to find that the agency in charge of assisting those in need have shuttered their doors and turned off their phones. This is a failure.
In addition, my HJR17 has still yet to be called for a vote. Despite having 20 other sponsors, Democrats refuse to bring this resolution which would audit IDES forward. They are avoiding this issue showing their priorities are not with the families of Illinois.
The Need for School Choice
Across the country, we are starting to see many states take up the issue of school choice. That is to say, the idea that we should fund students over schools. Give a child’s parents the choice to where they send them for school. Whether it be public, private, religious, or homeschool, the choice should be with the families.
Besides this freedom to choose, the effects of open competition would encourage school districts to offer the best educational standards they can provide versus implementing whatever new mandate comes from above. We would also be in a position to address high property taxes that plague many of our communities. We need the money to follow the student. I hope to join fellow lawmakers in addressing this issue in the future.
Resolution in Support of Israel
This week I filed HR325 which “expresses a commitment to the security of the State of Israel and supports its right to self-defense. States the belief that Hamas must end Gaza-linked attacks against Israel, must recognize Israel’s right to exist, must renounce violence, and must agree to accept previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinians”.
I hope this serves as a reminder of the fight our allies in Israel face every day. As our closest friend and ally, I urge all Americans to support Israel and our Jewish friends as they face the terrorist Hamas regime.
Update from the Farm
This week on the farm, I was able to pick up Gobbler from the taxidermist. I bagged him back in 2019!

Calving season is also in full swing with mom and baby here doing just fine.

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