Update from the Farm
Corn is planted and off to a good start, stands to look great. Hit a stretch of rainy weather. Bean planting is delayed but we hope to finish up at the end of the week. Grain prices continue to rally because of the great trade policies implemented by President Trump’s administration. Springtime is calving season here and we have 40 Angus calves on the ground and 40 more to go. It’s a busy time of year. I have taken a little time to do a little Spring Turkey harvesting. Tipped over a huge 28 pounder on April 30th! It was awesome!

HJR17 Still Stalled
The House of Representatives is still refusing to vote on HJR17 which calls for an audit of the Illinois Department of Employment Security. It is a complete failure of my Democrat counterparts that they refuse to take up this resolution and it is a travesty for our constituents throughout the state that IDES refuses to open and do the job they are paid to do.
FOID/CCL Process Needs Reviewing
Calls continue to pour into the office regarding the status of FOID and CCL cards. Both first-time applications and renewals are taking far too long. My son has been waiting for over a year for his card. We need to audit the state police to see how we can improve and streamline the process.
However, these are still unconstitutional infringements on your 2nd Amendment rights that ought to be removed. I either sponsored or co-sponsored, several pieces of legislation that would seek to limit the extent of the FOID program or remove it altogether. We can’t give up this fight.
House Republicans Put Public Safety First with Reimagine Illinois
While Democrats continue to rail against our first responders, House Republicans believe we should tackle the recent increases in deadly violence with bipartisan action. The “Safe Communities” plank of the Reimagine Illinois platform calls for reforms in four key areas – law enforcement training, supporting first responders, reforming the broken processes facing law-abiding gun owners throughout Illinois, and revisiting Illinois’ very controversial new law that allows violent criminals to be released before trial without posting a bail bond.
During the first quarter of 2021, Chicago chalked up more deadly violence than in any of the three previous years. Violence, including homicides, continue to rise week after week. Families are being devastated by violent criminals, yet some are calling for a reduction in policing. This is the absolute wrong time to reduce penalties for serious and violent crimes in Illinois. Reimagine Illinois will properly protect our communities and our first responders.
To keep up to date on my current legislation, click here.
If you would like to contact my office with questions and concerns or would like me to speak at events, please reach out by visiting my website, Facebook, or by calling 618-546-0044.
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