For those of you who have been asking about how your money is spent that is collected in the gas tax each time you fill up your car, truck or motorcycle, here is some information for you.

The expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT or gas tax) funds requires the approval and supervision of the Illinois Department of Transportation. The county board must adopt a resolution appropriating the MFT funds. The resolution shall state how the funds will be used. The resolution shall be submitted to the appropriate IDOT district office for approval.

Engineering agreements require the Department of Transportation’s approval. The Department of Transportation’s approval of plans, specifications, and estimates of any construction project must be obtained prior to advertising it for bids, as well as prior to awarding any contract. When MFT funds are used for maintenance, the Department of Transportation’s approval of the maintenance estimate must be obtained prior to advertising the project for bids. All work requiring bids must be advertised in the Department of Transportation’s weekly Contractors Bulletin.
Please contact the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets in your IDOT district if you have any questions regarding MFT expenditures. For more information you may click HERE.