During National Small Business Week, I join President Trump in honoring America’s entrepreneurs who take a risk on an idea, invest in their neighborhoods, and create jobs for others. Small business owners exemplify the American spirit by developing new ways to provide goods and services to consumers and reaffirm my commitment to the free market so that Illinois small businesses can once again compete and succeed. I will continue to fight more taxes and fight for reform in Illinois on issues like public pensions and regulations on industry.
The U.S. Small Business Administration and SCORE Association will host a free, 2-Day Virtual Conference during National Small Business Week. The conference will take place Tuesday, May 7 – Wednesday, May 8. Registration is free to the public. Participate in all the webinars or pick and choose the topics you like. You will also have the opportunity to meet other business owners and chat with industry experts. The Virtual Conference offers all the best parts of an in-person conference, but without the hassle of traveling. Register here.
Remember we have our local chambers of commerce in the 110th District as resources for our business community. Please join and utilize them:
Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce
Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce