Rep. Chris Miller met with Mayor Don Wagner and members of the Route 50 Coalition during his traveling Office hours on Monday. Topics of greatest concern included the U.S. Route 50 upgrades and expansion from the Wabash River to the Mississippi River, especially along the Lawrence County corridor, and the need for a power generator at the Mid-American Air Center north of Lawrenceville.
“I am happy for every opportunity to talk with community leaders about issues and projects to improve safety and assist with the economic development of our region of the state,” said Rep. Chris Miller, member of the Economic Opportunity and Equity Committee. “The airport needs to be able to operate when the power goes out from extreme weather. It is a priority to obtain a power generator. Our challenge seems to be working with a variety of governmental guidelines and working within the various constraints.”

Other issues covered with local constituents included the proposals coming out of the legislature that will impact Second Amendment rights in Illinois and some concerns over whether illegal aliens could be granted driver’s licenses in Illinois.
Rep. Miller reminds people with questions or concerns about state government to contact him at his district office at 618-546-0044 or connect with him at his website ( or on Facebook.