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Recent News
Friday, February 9, 2024
The Reality of Illegal Immigration

Governor Pritzker likes to avoid talking about the reality of our illegal immigration crisis. When our governor is forced to answer questions and concerns, he perpetually lies! What we do…

Friday, July 26, 2024
Illinoisans pay second-highest property taxes in nation; taxpayers deserve relief

Springfield, IL…With property tax installment deadlines looming across the 101st district, State Representatives Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro) is calling out Supermajority democrats running Springfield for recent tax shifts, tax hikes, and…

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Illinois’ Poor Economic Performance

A recent CGFA report outlines Illinois’ poor economic performance compared to other states. There’s no reason our state should be lagging the nation in any of these metrics. We have…

Latest Video
Rep. Miller Pushes Back Against Carbon Capture Bill
Rep. Miller: Pritzker is crafting policies to create a welfare state
Rep. Miller Calls on Pritzker to End Illinois Sanctuary State Status
Rep. Miller Budget Update
Rep. Miller makes Point of Personal Privilege on Invest in Kids Program
Rep. Miller and his colleagues respond to the Democrat Elections Omnibus Bill
Rep. Miller Wants “Invest in Kids Scholarship Program” back in Illinois
Pritzker’s State of The State Show Lies Coming Soon!
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